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2 <br /> Recently, the Finance Directors from the two School systems and the County Budget Director <br /> met to determine the best approach to determine funding equity. To ensure that a fair <br /> comparison between the two School systems is made, staff determined that the audited actual <br /> revenues should be adjusted. The following programs were subtracted from the revenues: <br /> (1) Community Schools <br /> (2) Transportation Garage (since funds for both schools pass only through the Orange <br /> County Schools) <br /> (3) Outreach (This is a pass through federal program administered by the Chapel <br /> Hill/Carrboro City Schools for students not in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City <br /> School District.) <br /> The annual audit was the source of the information, with School Staff providing the adjustment <br /> numbers and enrollment numbers. Capital was not included in the snapshot. Enrollment is <br /> based on the State's allotment, which for 1991-92 through 1995-96 was the average of the <br /> three highest enrollment months out of the first four months of the school year. Beginning in <br /> 1996-97, the State is using the higher enrollment month of the two months of the school year <br /> for allocating funds. <br /> As you will see from the tables and graphs on the following pages, the difference between the <br /> two school systems in per pupil expenditures in 1991-92 was $383. The Orange County School <br /> District's actual per pupil expenditure was 92.3 percent of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City <br /> School District expenditures. In 1992-93 the difference in the actual expenditures between the <br /> two schools dropped to $173 with the Orange County Schools' actual per pupil expenditure at <br /> just over 96 percent of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools expenditure. This dramatic <br /> change was a result of an unusually large amount of Orange County Schools fund balance <br /> being expended in that year. The Orange County Schools audit shows that the District spent <br /> $862,327 in fund balance, or $166 per student. The Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools spent <br /> no fund balance in 1992-93. <br /> A separate graph shows the current budget for both school systems. Note that the difference <br /> between budgeted numbers is larger than the actual expenditures for each of the five years <br /> prior. I caution you that these are budgeted numbers. These numbers may change by the end of <br /> the fiscal year depending on the actual percentage of the budget spent. Also note that there was <br /> a 3.6 cent increase in the district tax rate, effective July 1, 1996, changing the tax rate from <br /> 15.4 cents to 19.0 cents. This increase was due to the operating costs of East Chapel Hill High <br /> School. This increase in the district tax rate equals approximately $144 per student. <br /> Recommendation <br /> The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners receive this equity <br /> snapshot as information only. <br />