Agenda - 05-05-1997 - 10b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-05-1997
Agenda - 05-05-1997 - 10b
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Last modified
7/18/2013 8:57:42 AM
Creation date
7/18/2013 8:57:37 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19970505
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1997
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4 <br /> County Projects <br /> 1. Review the capital needs recommended by the County Manager for the 1997-2007 <br /> Capital Improvements Plan and follow any priorities identified by the Board of <br /> Commissioners. <br /> 2. Identify the need for and the timing of County capital projects, including those for <br /> parks and recreation. <br /> The Task Force met in a series of eight meetings, beginning in February. The initial meetings <br /> oriented members to the capital needs of the Schools and of the County. To help Task Force <br /> members become familiar with the projects and conditions of existing facilities, the group <br /> toured some of the schools and held its meetings at various School and County locations. <br /> During the orientation sessions, several new projects, not considered in the $40 million bond <br /> package, were introduced. The Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools told the Task Force that the <br /> original plan to spend $11.8 million to complete the East Chapel Hill High School would not <br /> be adequate. Bond funds had not been included in the $40 million package for this project, <br /> since State Bond proceeds and funds from impact fees had been planned to cover the amount <br /> needed. However, revised estimates from the School System indicated that an additional $3 <br /> million would be needed to complete this facility, bringing the total additional cost to complete <br /> this facility to $14.8 million. The Task Force was asked to consider adding the shortfall ($3 <br /> million) to the bond package being considered. <br /> The Orange County School Board introduced the need for a second high school in their <br /> district. The total cost of the facility is estimated by the Orange County Schools to be $25 <br /> million, with a planned opening in 2002-03. This facility was not included in the $40 million <br /> package. <br /> The Task Force received information on Recreation and Parks, Affordable Housing, Senior <br /> Centers, and the Efland Sewer. Funding for all of these areas in the original $40 million <br /> package totaled $2 million, which was not specified for any particular project. <br /> The Task Force developed criteria to be used to evaluate both School and County projects. The <br /> criteria for evaluating School projects were as follows: <br /> • Projects should meet the philosophical criteria for bonds, that is, they should have a <br /> useful life of 15 to 20 years, such as a new school project or a major renovation. <br /> (This would not include computer hardware and maintenance of facilities.) <br /> • Consider the number and spectrum of present and future citizens who would benefit <br /> both directly and indirectly from the proposed project. <br /> • Look for efficiencies, such as, when multiple needs can be met (such as combining <br /> school sites with parks). <br /> • Schools should be given the highest priority and addressed by the Task Force first. <br /> • Projects should be "big ticket" only (suggestion of$1 million or more) or projects <br /> that, when combined, are considered "big ticket." <br /> • Capital projects must respond to a need identified by the appropriate elected board. <br /> 2 <br />
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