Orange County NC Website
APR 29 '97 11:02AM TUNL 9196602634 P.3 <br /> 10 <br /> The following itma are just a few areas of real need that should be a priority for bond <br /> Money. <br /> - Renovations for each school system should be funded at the level requested. <br /> We must upgrade and maintain our existing schools. No student or parent should be <br /> made to feel as if they are inferior by attending an older school. <br /> - New high school for the Orange County Schools (25 million dollars). Orange <br /> High School is at its maximum now. The site cannot support an addition due to land <br /> constraints and due to space limitations within the core areas i.e. cafeteria, library, <br /> gyms, hallways, media center, etc.. Classrooms that are substandard by state <br /> guidelines, teachers who have no classroom but have to roam from room to room each <br /> period. We would recommend that each of the Commissioners (Crowther, Carey, and <br /> Gordon) tour the school in order to view for themselves these teaching and learning <br /> conditions that our students endure each day. <br /> - Efland Sewer (1.2 million dollars) and Recreation and Parks (2.8 million <br /> dollars) are two projects that have prior commitments(1988) from the Board of <br /> Commissioners. Both these projects have received very little funding in the years past <br /> and need to be bought up to speed now. Responsibility to public health as in the <br /> sewer project cannot continue to be delayed. It is also a matter of integrity for the <br /> Board of Commissioners to honor the commitments that it makes to the citizen. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Patrick Mulkey, Vice Chairman <br /> Mike Drowns <br /> Bob Bateman <br /> 8 <br />