Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Other differences between the WRC proposed scope of work and that proposed in this USGS draft scope <br /> are found in Item 4 on page 7 and in the last sentence of Item 5 on page 9. Specifically, Item 4 has been <br /> revised to set up a process by which County staff will be able to evaluate well-head capture areas for <br /> public water supply wells (community wells) and maintain and update the data base(s) related to these <br /> wells. The initial proposal involved USGS evaluating and creating a database for all existing community <br /> water supply wells but had no component for updating database(s) or for training of County staff to <br /> maintain or update the databases. The revision stated in Item 5 involves establishing guidelines for a <br /> monitoring well program. The initial WRC scope of work actually provided for a network of ten <br /> monitoring wells to be provided. Both the Item 4 and Item 5 modifications are for the purposes of <br /> reducing project costs (approximately $15,000 County costs). <br /> If the County is to commit itself to an obligation of approximately$80,000 per year for three years to <br /> participate in a project with the USGS, there are several important things which should be noted. The <br /> most important factor to keep in mind is that USGS is not a"consultant"; it undertakes projects more in <br /> the role of partner. Unlike a consultant, the USGS has a vested scientific and financial interest in the data <br /> and outcome produced by any project it undertakes. Thus one major advantage to USGS participation is <br /> that USGS' precision and independence combine to produce a study in which results and findings are of <br /> high quality and therefore cannot be easily assailed on the basis of bias or bad science. If there is a <br /> disadvantage to participating in a project with USGS (as compared to a hired consultant), it is that <br /> USGS' vested interest in the project makes USGS, its investigative/analytical processes and procedures <br /> and the project itself more difficult to redirect or guide. The USGS study process is generally more <br /> expensive, in the sense of total costs rather than local share cost, than a consultant generated project. <br /> The additional expense results from USGS' exacting process for obtaining uncontaminated field data, <br /> providing data analysis of high order precision and USGS's exhaustive internal peer review process. <br /> One other important factor in undertaking a project with USGS rather than a consultant is that, once the <br /> County signs a contract with USGS, it is committing itself to funding the project for all three years. <br /> If the County wishes to cut costs for this project, the cleanest cut involves the elimination of the water <br /> quality element. It is possible and even probable that this portion of the project could be accomplished <br /> more cheaply by a consultant. It could certainly be accomplished at a later date. The total cost of the <br /> water quality element of the proposed study is approximately$50,000 with a County savings of <br /> approximately $25,000. However, I believe that eliminating the water quality portion of this project <br /> would be a mistake. While ground water quality does not appear to be a serious or widespread problem <br /> in Orange County, it is a major component of the BOCC's ground water goal. Water quality is certainly <br /> a high profile issue that can be expected to generate public concern and interest, perhaps more so than <br /> ground water quantity. I do not believe that the savings are sufficient to justify the elimination of the <br /> ground water quality portion of the project. <br /> If I may provide additional information, please advise. <br />