Agenda - 05-05-1997 - 9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-05-1997
Agenda - 05-05-1997 - 9c
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Last modified
7/17/2013 5:01:12 PM
Creation date
7/17/2013 5:01:09 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
1997 S Manager - US Dept of Interior US Geological Survey Joint Funding for Water Resources Investigation Agreement
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1997
Minutes - 19970505
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1997
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12 ` <br /> S. Characterize the chemical quality of the County's ground water. <br /> If ground water is to continue to serve as a major source of potable water for Orange County <br /> residents,the quality of the water must be assured. In the Piedmont region of North Carolina, <br /> water supply problems generally involve quantity rather than quality. However,the project team <br /> will compile and map existing information of ground-water quality and pollution sources in the <br /> County and will develop and assist with implemeatatioa of a local well testing program which <br /> will enable the County to assemble the data necessary to formulate public information and land <br /> use policies. <br /> The expense involved in performing a detailed analysis of water quality dictates the necessity <br /> to limit this part of the investigation. Rather than test for all of the pollutants that could be found <br /> in ground water,tests will only be made for pollutants common to Orange County and in areas <br /> characterized by rural development. Nitrogen compounds and bacteria common to human and <br /> animal wastes are likely in an area characterized by agriculture and rural populations dependent <br /> on septic tanks. Furthermore,the agricultural nature of the County indicates the possible <br /> Presence of pesticidVIieftode residues. Screening tests will be conducted for the most likely <br /> pesticide/herbicide components. Screening techniques that enable the testing for selected <br /> constituents can provide general water-quality information and indicate possible problem areas <br /> without requiring great expense. In addition,existing data on water quality can provide a <br /> baseline level which can be compared to data generated by earlier or later water-quality tests to <br /> show a change in water quality. The project staff will compare newly obtained water quality data <br /> with data that will be obtained from various State and County agencies which are and have been <br /> traditional collectors and repositories of water quality and pollution data. <br /> The project staff will evaluate ground-water quality by collecting ground-water samples and <br /> performing chemical analyses. Samples will be collected at well sites selected according to a <br /> stratified sampling plan based on hydrogeologic units and the area of each unit in the county. <br /> Well sites within each unit will be selected to provide uniform areal coverage. As in the case of <br /> the ground-water quantity investigation,samples also may be drawn from wells in adjacent <br /> counties. <br /> About SO of the invootoded wells will be sampled to characterize the wafer quality of the <br /> major hydrogeologic units in the County. All SO wells will be sampled for specific conductance, <br /> pH,temperature,major ions,nutrients(including nitrate),and will be screwed for BTEX <br /> (organic compounds associated with gasoline)and selected pesticides using immunossaay <br /> methods(contingent on availability of pesticide-specific immunoassay kits). About 30 of these <br /> 50 wells will be sampled for radon and trace elements. All laboratory analytical results will be <br /> compiled and stored in WATSTORE data bases. <br /> Natural water quality,or those water-quality parameters not resulting from man-made <br /> pollution,such as hardness and iron,corrosivity,manganese and silica concentrations, <br /> determines the desirability of ground water as a source for human consumption. Radon can also <br /> occur at undesirable levels in ground water,especially in areas underlain by fiesic igneous or <br /> metamorphic rocks. Elevated levels of radon have recently been identified in nearby Guilford <br /> County which is underlain by crystalline rocks similar to Orange County. Maps of selected <br /> .. 8 <br />
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