Agenda - 04-16-1997 - 8f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-16-1997
Agenda - 04-16-1997 - 8f
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/16/2013 3:50:52 PM
Creation date
7/16/2013 3:50:51 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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1997 S Agreement Between UNC Hospitals and Orange County Health Department
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1997
Minutes - 19970416
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1997
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6 <br /> b. Coordinate and manage all phases of plan preparation; <br /> c. Plan, coordinate, and manage the development of the steering committee, <br /> the Healthy Carolinians Task Force, and provide liaison functions for the leadership group; <br /> d. Plan and coordinate meetings of the steering committee, and the Healthy <br /> Carolinians Task Force; <br /> e. Work with the health director to plan and coordinate project team <br /> meetings and follow-up activities for the team; <br /> f. Prepare monthly progress reports, the first draft of the health improvement <br /> plan, and the final health improvement plan, and collaborate and edit the plan until its <br /> completion; <br /> g. Plan and coordinate media coverage for the project, and act as <br /> spokesperson as appropriate; and <br /> h. Assume other duties as are assigned and necessary for the effective and <br /> timely completion of the project. <br /> 3. In return for the services described in Paragraph 2, The Hospital will reimburse, <br /> with funds provided by the Duke Endowment, The Department for the services of a Project <br /> Coordinator at an hourly rate of$20.00 during the period from April 1, 1997 until August <br /> 30, 1997 in monthly installments upon receipt of an invoice from The Department which <br /> sets forth a description of the services and hours of service provided by the Project <br /> Coordinator in furtherance of the terms of this Agreement. The total compensation for the <br /> services rendered by the Project Coordinator and his/her student assistant will not exceed <br /> $3,000 during the term of this Agreement. The Hospital reserves the right to request <br /> further description of the services provided, and to decline to pay for any services which it <br /> determines do not further the terms of this Agreement. <br /> 4. This Agreement will run from the 1 st day of April, 1997 until the 30th day of <br /> August, 1997, and shall be renewable thereafter upon written notice executed by both <br /> parties. <br /> 5. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and shall not be <br /> altered, amended or modified, except by an agreement in writing, executed by the duly <br /> authorized officials of both parties. <br /> 6. This Agreement or its renewals may be terminated by either parry for any reason <br /> without penalty provided that written notice of such termination is furnished to the other <br /> party at least thirty (30) days prior to termination. In the event of such termination, any <br /> payment due will be prorated to the date of termination. <br />
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