Orange County NC Website
KAYE GRAYBEAL <br /> HISTORIC RESOURCE SPECIALIST <br /> EDUCATION Historic Architecture Resource Inventory, Guilford County, NC <br /> MS,Interior Design wkhaconcentration Conducted field survey te, o <br /> ey to ilia ph tograph,and expand Guilford County Historic Architecture <br /> In Historic Preseswdon Resource Inventory. (1995-1996) <br /> UNGG,Greensboro,NC <br /> BS,Interior Design <br /> UNGG,Greensboro,WC Comprehensive Plan - Preservation Element, Guilford County, NC <br /> Served as panelist for three historic preservation training sessions for citizen-planners participating in the <br /> REGISTRATION update of the county's comprehensive plan. (1995) <br /> Registered Designer-District of Columbia <br /> PROFESSIONAL West Fifth Street Historic Documentation, Winston-Salem, NC <br /> AFFILIATIONS a Completed documentation and recordation of the proposed site for a multi-modal transportation center in <br /> AWARDS accordance with Federal Government Section 106 Review nvironmental Impact pact Assessment)of the <br /> Prwwwation/Greensboso, National Preservation Act. (1995) <br /> D.C.Pro %radon League <br /> National Trust for Historic Preservation <br /> Historic Reservation Foundation of F.W. Woolworth Building Renovation, Greensboro, NC <br /> Worth Carollm Authored three successful grant applications for renovations and coordinated volunteers for fund-raising <br /> Guilford County Historic Preservation campaign. Authored architectural description for National Landmark Nomination. (-1994-1995) <br /> C,ommisslory P-Advisory <br /> Gertrude S.CarwayAward,1995 NCDOT Survey, Forsyth County, NC <br /> NATIONAL REGISTER Participated in a NC Department of Transportation reconnaissance survey of National Register-eligible <br /> NOMINATIONS properties near the proposed route of the eastern"section of the Northern Beltway in Forsyth County. <br /> John)oNatm House (1993 and 1994) <br /> A.E.T*NnApartrnnt BuNding <br /> Tabernacle t4edrodirtChurch Local Historic' District Nomination and Guidelines, Oak Ridge, NC <br /> C.S.Grayson House" <br /> South Elm Sweet Union Cemetery Conducted architectural resource inventory and provided Historical documentation for the nomination of <br /> Thomas Ell Cook Farm Guilford County's Oak Ridge community as a local historic district. (1992) <br /> Asheboro Street Historic District** Acted as liaison between the Guilford County Planning Department and citizens of the Oak Ridge <br /> FWw Park Historic Dbukt'* community during formation of the local historic district. (1992-1994) <br /> College Hill Hktork District*• <br /> Summit Avenue Historic District** Authored draft portions of and coedited the Oak Ridge Design Guideline Handbook(1994) <br /> Presented with Gertrude S. Caraway Award of Merit. (1995) <br /> * with Dr.Ruth Little <br /> '* vAthMarvtnBrow Property Values In Historic Districts Research, Greensboro, NC <br /> LOCAL LANDMARK Collected data for analysis of the economic impact of historic district designation on property values <br /> NOMINATIONS (study funded by the National Trust Technical Services grant to Professor J.R.Leimenstoll). Completed <br /> Wafco Flour Milli; thesis entitled: The Effect of Historic Disbict Designation on the Spatial Distribution of Property Tax <br /> Tabernacle Methodist;Church Assessment Increases. (1991-1994) <br /> Diode BuNdkg <br /> Oak RTdge Local HistorkDistrict Historic Architecture Resource Inventory, Greensboro, NC <br /> HISTORIC RESOURCE Provided field survey and photography for Greensboro's Architectural Resource Inventory for filing with <br /> SURVEYS the NC Division of Archives and History. (Summer 1991) <br /> GuNfwd County,NC <br /> Oak Ridge,NC North Elm Streetscape, Greensboro, NC <br /> Washington,NC Presented proposal to Greensboro City Planning and Development Department for restoration and <br /> renovation of commercial facades in the Downtown National Register Historic District. (1991) <br /> DSAdantic <br />