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DSAtlantic STANDARD <br /> Fm&wers*,%wh1teds*Sumeyors TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br /> These Statidarxl Tetzris and Condttioris are attached tv...a u..d made a part ofthe foregoing proposal or letter agreerrient,dated <br /> )rebrvasy 26;1997 bweeii eari$e Cmuity North Caiaima(Client)and DSAtlsntic Corporationf with respect to the protect <br /> de riW WOW. iii <br /> 1. PERIOD OF OFFER. This offer to provide professional DSAtlantic shall identify the changed conditions which in its <br /> services is valid for ninety(90)days from the date of the judgment make such renegotiation necessary,and the Client <br /> proposal,or as may be amended in the proposal by DSAtlantic shall promptly and in good faith enter into renegotiation of the <br /> Corporation(DSAtlantic). DSAtlantic shall have the right to Agreement to permit DSAtlantic to continue to meet the <br /> cancel the proposal at any time prior to acceptance. Client's needs. If renegotiated terms cannot be agreed to,the <br /> Client agrees that DSAtlantic has an absolute right to <br /> 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. DSAMantic shall be obligated to terminate this Agreement. <br /> perform only the services described in the proposal for the <br /> agreed upon fee and arrangements as stipulated. No 6. FORCE MAJEURE. No delay or failure in performance by <br /> representation is made that DSAtlantic is responsible,or either party shall constitute default hereunder or give rise to <br /> accepts responsibility,the following services: any claims if such delay or failure is caused by Force Majeure. <br /> a. Certification as to the accuracy or sufficiency of any 7. ESCALATION. DSAtlantic shall have the right to increase <br /> document prepared by others and provided to the compensation or rates by up to 10%,payable by the Client <br /> DSAthwic by the Client or as directed by Client. to DSAtlantic when the provision of services covered by this <br /> Agreement are for a period which extends beyond twelve(12) <br /> b. Assurance of favorable or timely approval,permitting, months from the executed Agreement date. <br /> and licensing action by governmental agencies as a <br /> result of services provided by DSAtlantic. 8. OWNERSHIP OF INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE. All <br /> reports,plans,specifications,field data,field notes,laboratory <br /> C. Certification as to the correctness of any geotechnical test data,calculations,estimates,computer data or drawing <br /> services and/or foundation recommendations performed files,and other documents("Instruments of Service")prepared <br /> by others who provide such information or services by DSAtlande in connection with the performance of its duties <br /> directly or indirectly to the client. hereunder shall be and remain the property of DSAtlantic. <br /> Those Instruments of Service retained by DSAtlantic shall be <br /> Client shall inform DSAtlantic of any special criteria or recognized as the originals. DSAtlantic shall retain these <br /> requirements related to DSAtlanties services. Client shall records for a period of up to seven(7)years following <br /> willingly furnish,at no cost to DSAtlantic,any existing submission of the Instruments of Service,during which period <br /> information,drawings,specifications,and reports which will they will be made available to the Client at all reasonable <br /> assist DSAtkmdc in the performance of its Scope of Services. times at nominal charges to recover retrieval costs. Such <br /> documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for <br /> 3. FEES AND COMPENSATION. In the event that the Client reuse by the Client or others on extension of the project or on <br /> requests DSAtlantic to perform services not specifically any other project. Any reuse of Instruments of Service <br /> described in the Agreement,Client agrees to compensate prepared by DSAtlantic without written permission or <br /> DSAtlantic for such services in accordance with the hourly adaptation by DSAtlantic for the specific purpose intended <br /> rate schedule as set forth by the Agreement unless a written will be at the Client's sole risk and without liability or legal <br /> Agreement or Amendment has been signed by both parties exposure to DSAtlantic and subject to reasonable <br /> otherwise indicating the basis of such additional compensation by Client to DSAtlantic,as determined by <br /> compensation. DSAtlantic at its sole discretion. <br /> 4. BURIED UTILITIES. DSAtlantic will conduct the research 9. OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS. Since <br /> that,in DSAtlandes professional opinion,is necessary to DSAtlantic has no control over the cost of labor,materials, <br /> locate hidden utilities and other manmade objects that may equipment or services furnished by others,or over the <br /> exist beneath the site's surface. The Client recognizes that Contractor(s)'means or methods of determining prices,or over <br /> DSAtlandes research may not identify all subsurface utilities, competitive bidding or market conditions,DSAtlanties <br /> underground features,and manmade objects,and that the Opinions of Probable Total Project and/or Construction Costs <br /> information upon which DSAtlantic relies may contain errors provided for herein are made on the basis of DSAtlanties <br /> or may not be complete. The Client will not hold DSAtlantic experience and qualifications and represent DSAtlantic's best <br /> liable for the consequences of such undiscovered features. professional judgment as an experienced and qualified design <br /> professional familiar with the construction industry.However, <br /> 5. CHANGED CONDITIONS. The Client has relied on DSAtlantic cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, <br /> DSAtlantic in their capacity as a professional engineer, quotes,bids or actual Total Project or Construction Costs will <br /> architect or surveyor in establishing the work scope and fee for not vary from Opinions of Probable Costs prepared by <br /> this project,given the project's nature and risks. The Client DSAtlantic. If prior to the Bidding or Negotiating Phase the <br /> shall therefore rely on DSAtlanties professional engineering, Client wishes greater assurance as to Total Project or <br /> architectural or surveyor's opinion as to the continued Construction Costs,Client shall employ an independent cost <br /> adequacy of the Agreement in light of occurrences or estimator at Client's expense or authorize DSAtlantic to <br /> discoveries that were not originally contemplated by or known contract for such services which will be considered Additional <br /> to DSAtlantic. Should DSAtlantic request contract Services. <br /> renegotiation, <br />