Orange County NC Website
Mr.Donald Belk <br /> Orange County,North Carolina <br /> February 26, 1997 <br /> Page No. 2 <br /> F. Black and white photography and preparation of a color slide presentation. <br /> G. The consultant will be available to present findings at(3)community information meetings, <br /> and/or public hearings in June, July, and August. <br /> III. SCHEDULES <br /> DSAtlantic is available to begin work on May 1, 1997 and proposes to complete the project by July <br /> 31, 1997. <br /> A. Billing <br /> The project will be carried out in three(3)one-month phases and billed as follows: <br /> May 1 -May 31 $3,500.00 <br /> June 1 -June 30 3,500.00 <br /> July 1 -July 31 4,180.00 <br /> B. Time-Product Payment Schedule <br /> May 1 -May 31 <br /> • Complete overall survey of area including survey forms and files. <br /> • Complete photography. <br /> • Complete expanded research and evaluation of first half of properties. <br /> June 1-June 30 <br /> • Complete preliminary map of proposed boundaries. <br /> • Label slides and photographs. <br /> • Complete expanded research and evaluation of second half of properties. <br /> • Present at June 25th Public Hearing. <br /> July l -July 31 <br /> • Complete map in final form <br /> • Complete National Register Form <br /> • Complete Historic Context <br /> • Present at July 23rd Public Hearing <br /> Aug_ust27 Z5oLi6 <br /> • Present at final Public Hearing. <br /> IV. METHODS OF COMPENSATION <br /> DSAtlantic proposes to provide the above listed services for the allotted lump sum of$11,180.00 <br /> inclusive of all expenses. An estimated 200 hours of service is projected to be expended by the <br /> consultant. <br /> V. LETTER OF AGREEMENT/ACCEPTANCE <br /> If you are in agreement with our Scope of Services and the fee presented for this project,your signature <br /> in the space provided will serve as a formal agreement between Orange County,North Carolina and <br /> DSAtlantic Corporation. Two originals are enclosed for signature. Please return one signed original <br /> for our file. <br />