Orange County NC Website
APRLIG _I ON izUti - <br /> r <br /> Date : 9 <br /> TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> The undersigned do hereby make appLication to change the Zoning Atlas of <br /> Orange County as hereinafter requested . <br /> 1 . The property is Located on the =4n92_l/_ s i d a of -Fr;{i--rZ :Z <br /> ( Street/Road) between S .R. Q 1 / eYn—d <br /> S.A . r It is known s Lat (sl /p Block of <br /> Orange Caunty •Tax Map f�– Township . It has a frontage <br /> of feet and a depth of 5U0 feet , and contains <br /> square feet or '2-53 acres . <br /> 2. It is desZv,d and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned <br /> from " to F,(2:---= <br /> .3•.- The ...foLLowing. information has been _ attached -.in_ support of the <br /> appLication for changing the Zoning Atlas (* – required on a L L <br /> appLic-ations7 . <br /> 's. A fuLLy dimensioned map at s scaLs of not Less than one (1) inch <br /> equals one—hundred (1001 fast nor more than one (1) inch equals <br /> _ twent'y` 1201 "f set-'showtr g'"the Land -which is proposed to be <br /> rezoned. <br /> 'b. A LagaL description of the Land proposed to be rezoned. <br /> 'c. A statement of Justification addressing one or more of the <br /> foLLowing: <br /> (1) Tha alleged error in the Zoning ardinshce, if any, which <br /> would ba'eorreeted by the proposed amandm'ent with s detailed <br /> explanation of such error in the Zoning At Las and detailed <br /> reasons how the proposed amendment wiLL'correct the error. <br /> (21 The changed or changing conditions', if any, in .that area or <br /> in the County genarstly, which make the proposed amendment ; <br /> reasonably necessary to the promotion of the public health, <br /> safety and ganeraL welfare. s'�"'6/'ss <br /> - �sGwT■ii : <br /> etV The manner in which the proposed amendment wt LL carry out <br /> Cho intent and purpose of the adopted Land Use PLsn ar par: <br /> thereof. <br /> 6(41 ALL other circumstances, fsctars end reasons which the <br /> applicant offers in support of the proposed amendment <br /> including, but not limited to, documentation from service <br /> agencies (e.g. fire, police, rescue and utititiei <br /> assuring services provision capabiLity to the development. <br /> d. A Liss of alt individuate, firms or corporations owning property <br /> adjoining or within five hundred (30al feet of the property <br /> so4jr.�� inq 1s attached. The list is current as of ezon <br /> J&Ghz for•(Qstal � . <br /> -I certify that a L L information furnished in this appLication is accurate <br /> to the best of mm,yy knowLed <br /> IIIP <br /> App Licant (s) : <br /> Address : <br /> Phan e ~ <br />