Orange County NC Website
1917 - - f-g7 <br /> The Board approved a modification to the Special Use Permit for Carolina Friends School which <br /> would allow the school to swap acreage with Duke University and modify the boundaries of the school site in <br /> accordance with the recommendation from the Orange County Planning Board based on the findings of fact <br /> as included in the agenda. <br /> C. ORANGE COUNTY TRAVEL POLICY <br /> This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br /> D. PETITION FOR ADDITION -OAK POINTE LANE AND OAK POINTE COURT, BINGHAM <br /> TOWNSHIP <br /> The Board approved a petition from NCDOT for the addition of Oak Pointe Lane and Oak Pointe <br /> Court in Bingham Township to the State-maintained Secondary Road System. <br /> E. CONTRACT WITH EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION Ei EOC) <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract between Orange County and the <br /> Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as presented. <br /> F. PROFESSIONAL.SERVICES CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND <br /> THE DEPARTMENTS OF FAMILY MEDICINE AND OB/GYN <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign professional services contracts for medical <br /> back-up between the Health Department and the School of Medicine Departments of Family Medicine and <br /> Ob/Gyn. <br /> G. AUTHORIZATION OF THE RSVP RENEWAL APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign an application for a 3-year renewal of <br /> federal grant funding for RSVP and to enter into an agreement with Corporation for National Service for the <br /> period July 1, 1997 through June 30, 2000 in the amount of$112,530 in federal funds. This is being <br /> authorized for signature with the understanding that the 3-year application does not affect the Orange County <br /> annual budgeting process and can be terminated at any time based on Corporation for National Service <br /> handbook guidelines providing for advance notice in order to find another local sponsor. <br /> H. EFLAND ESTATES CDBG PROGRAM -ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW RECORD <br /> This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br /> I. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT -SPECIAL USES _HISTORIC SITES NOW <br /> RESIDENTIAL USE/MIXED USE <br /> The Board approved the Planning Board recommendation approving an amendment which would <br /> allow the Board of Commissioners to reapprove Special Use Permits for non-residential use of historic sites <br /> upon receipt of a report from the Planning Staff that the use has maintained compliance with the provisions of <br /> the Special Use Permit. <br /> J. AMBERIDGE SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLAN <br /> The County Commissioners approved the Preliminary Plan for Amberidge Subdivision in <br /> accordance with the resolution of approval. The property is located between University Station Road and the <br /> Chapel Hill Spur of the Southern Railroad in northern Chapel Hill Township. Ten (10) residential lots are <br /> proposed on a 10.4 acre tract. The current zoning is Rural Residential and Lower Eno Protected Watershed. <br /> K. Z-1-97 CARDEN BODY & PAINT SERVICE/CHARLIE L. & JEROLINE L. MANGUM <br /> The Board approved a rezoning for Carden Body& Paint Service/Charlie L. & Jeroline L. <br /> Mangum. The purpose of the rezoning is to correct an error made in the initial zoning of Little River township <br /> on January 1, 1994. This action rezoned the 2.02 acre Mangum property from EC-5 to AR and a 2.80-acre <br /> zoning lot on the Carden property from AR to EC-5. <br /> L. Special Use Permit-2-97 THE OLD PLACE -SPECIAL USE PERMIT RENEWAL <br /> This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />