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21 <br /> 1 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon,seconded by Commissioner Carey,Jr., to refer the <br /> 2 proposed Zoning Atlas amendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Beard of <br /> 3 Corrurtissioners no sooner than April 1, 1997. <br /> 4 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5 <br /> 6 (b) Z-2-97 Stoney Creek Basin Overfay District <br /> 7 This item was heard concurrent with item C1(a). <br /> 8 <br /> 9 3. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments <br /> 10 (a) Stoney Creek Basin Small Area Plan <br /> 11 1) Article 4.2.32-Stoney Creek Basin Overlay District <br /> 12 2) Article 6.30 Extra Requirements for the Stoney Creek Basin <br /> 13 Overlay District <br /> 14 This item was heard concurrent with Item C1(a). <br /> 15 <br /> 16 (b) Golf Courses <br /> 17 1) Article 4.3 Permitted Use Table <br /> 18 2) Article 6.16.10 Additional Requirements for Certain Permitted Uses <br /> 19 Recreational Facilities(Profit/Non-Profit):Goff Club and Golf <br /> 20 Country dub. <br /> 21 3) Article 6.23 Watershed Protection Overlay Districts <br /> 22 4) Article 22 Definitions-Golf Course <br /> 23 5) Article 8.8.7 Special Uses(Golf Courses) <br /> 24 This item was presented by Emily Cameron for the purpose of receiving <br /> 25 cam comment on proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to include standards for golf courses. On <br /> 26 August 20, 1996, the Board of Commissioners adopted a charge and appointed members to the Golf Course <br /> 27 Amendment Review Task Force(Golf CART). The Golf CART began meeting in September 1996 and continued its <br /> 28 work through February of 1997. At the end of December, a draft was distributed to 27 agencies and individuals for <br /> 29 review and continent including the InstiM of Government,state agencies involved with water quality and pesticide <br /> 30 regulations, the Recreation and Parks Advisory Council, the US Golf Association. the National Association of <br /> 31 Counties, US Environmental Protection Agency. the Golf Course Superintendent Association of America, the <br /> 32 American Society of Golf Course Architects, and the Center for Resource Management. Twelve responses were <br /> 33 received. Written comments were attached to the agenda packet. <br /> 34 <br /> 3S COMMEM Ammg gUESTWNS FROM THE!BOARD OF COMM EAMERS1 <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Conwmsiorter Gordon mentioned that the Permitted Use Table previously allowed t aoM Courses ae a matter <br /> 38 of right in more disticts than the current table does. She felt that it would make sense to allow got oountes n some <br /> 39 of those distri by Special Use Permit. She requested Mat the Planning Board discus this further. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Ms.Cameron mentioned that the debate was lengthy on this issue. The end point of the discussion was that <br /> 42 the CART members were attempting to be consistent with the description of the districts. At the same a <br /> 43 practical sense.the acreage is limited for the=mT*fcW uses. The passibility of undeveloped existing commercial <br /> 44 land existing which could be used for a golf course development where d would not aimady be Wmdted is vary <br /> 45 unpk*. She asstx+ed Commissioner Gorgon that the Planning Board would revisit this issue. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Commissioner Brown requested dari&:adw on Attorney Gars comments regarding pesticides. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Ms.Carneron mentioned that there is a section in the NC General Statutes that preempt local jurisdictions <br /> 5 0 from adop*q regutffons which would address,in any wall,the applications to use or store.pesticides. It is very <br /> 51 spec&with regard to the*M it put on local jurisdiction.The CART inckided in nation in the irnitief draft regatding <br /> 52 pesticide use, arses,etc..primarily for information. Because of the General Sbdubrs they <br /> 53 were required m delete them from the initial draft of this document <br /> 54 <br />