Orange County NC Website
18 <br /> EC-5 Existing Commercial Zoning District <br /> a) Intent <br /> The purpose of the EC-5 Existing Commercial District is to provide a district to be used only <br /> during the application of zoning to previously unzoned townships to accommodate existing <br /> commercial uses or in zoned townships to previously zoned commercial property which is not <br /> located in areas designated as Activity Nodes by the adopted Comprehensive Plan. <br /> b) Application Criteria <br /> This district will be applied to existing commercial uses in unzoned townships and previously <br /> zoned commercial property located in areas not designated as Activity Nodes in the adopted <br /> Comprehensive Plan. This designation shall only be applied to property used for existing <br /> commercial at the time of application of this ordinance. <br /> The following is a list of uses permitted by right in the EC-5 Zoning District: <br /> H1 Day Nursery,Daycare, Private Kindergarten <br /> H2 Single-Family dwelling w/wo efficiency apartment <br /> H5 Mobile Home dwelling <br /> H6 Family Care Home . <br /> Accessory Uses <br /> P4 Bus Passenger Shelter <br /> P7 Church <br /> P10 Governmental Protective Services (Police and Fire Stations)Rescue Squads, <br /> Volunteer Fire Departments <br /> P21 Schools: Dance,Art and Music <br /> P25 Water and Sanitary Sewer Pumping Stations <br /> S3 Animal Hospitals; Veterinarians <br /> S6 Banks and Financial Institutions <br /> S7 Beauty and Barber Shops <br /> S 10 Farm equipment and sales <br /> S13 Greenhouses(no on premises sales) <br /> S14 Greenhouses(on premises sales) <br /> S15 Health Services: Under 10,000 sq. ft. <br /> S21 laundry and Dry Cleaning Services <br /> S24 Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair(Body Shop) <br /> S25 Motor Vehicle Sales Rental (new and used) <br /> S26 Motor Vehicle Services Stations <br /> S28 Offices and Personal Services That Attract Few Customers or Clients on Premises <br /> Other Than Employees, Generate Low Traffic Volumes, Have No Adverse <br /> Impacts Beyond the Space Occupied by the Building <br />