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FLOOD PLAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROGRAM 5 <br /> OF THE <br /> U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS <br /> The Flood Plain Management Services Program is the Corps means of using its technical <br /> expertise in flood plain management matters to help those outside the Corps, both <br /> Federal and non-Federal, to deal with floods and flood plain.related matters. Section 206 <br /> of the Flood Control Act of 1960, as amended, provides the authority for this program. <br /> Upon request, and without charge, the Corps of Engineers will furnish to States, counties, <br /> and cities the flood plain information and technical assistant needed in planning for <br /> prudent use of Iand subject to flooding from streams, Ickes, and' oceans. Requests are <br /> also honored from individuals.when necessary information is readily available. Assistance <br /> is given within the limits of ava.ilable appropriations, which have averages around $6.8 <br /> =11lion annually over the last five years. Requests are also honored from Federal <br /> agencies and private persons on a fully reimbursable basis. <br /> PROGRAM OBJECTIVES <br /> T-ne objective of the Flood Plain Management Services (FPMS) Program is to support <br /> comprehensive flood plain management plate with technical services and planning <br /> guidance at all appropriate governmental levels; and thereby, to encourage and to guide <br /> them toward prudent use of the Nation's flood plains for the benefit of the national <br /> economy and welfare. For other Federal agencies, this is especially important because <br /> they must meet the.requirements of Executive Order 11988, titled 'P7oodplain <br /> Management." Adjustment of land use based on proper planning and employment of a <br /> -%-ariety of techniques for reducing flood damage potential constitutes a rational means by <br /> which the locational advantages any natural resources values of flood plains can be <br /> balanced with the inevitable hazards which floods pose. <br /> TYPES OF ACTIVITIES <br /> Upon request, the FPMS Program provides a full range of technical services and planning <br /> guidance on floods and flood plain issues within the broad umbrella of flood plain <br /> management. With minor exceptions, services are non-reimbursable. However, <br /> involvement of requestors is encouraged. They may furnish field survey data, maps, <br /> historical flood information and the like. Such partici- pation by requesters can help to <br /> reduce costs to the general public, to set work priorities;-and to assure continued <br /> community interest. Activities under the Corps FPMS Program are described below. <br />