Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 3. Prepare recommendations for new development density and <br /> impervious surface limitations within the Town's Planning <br /> Jurisdiction and a suggested process for including neighboring <br /> jurisdictions and the University. <br /> 4. Identify and annual stream maintenance plan and include funding <br /> request in FY 1996-97 budget. <br /> Task#2, shown above in boldface type, is the subject of this agenda item. <br /> Assistance to States Program - Section 22 Studies <br /> The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers offers assistance to States and their <br /> political subdivisions to help with water resource problems. The Planning <br /> Assistance to States Program provides for Section 22 studies to assist with <br /> flood control planning, water supply development and water conservation, <br /> wetland preservation, etc. <br /> • Scope of Services <br /> In December of 1995, the Mayor of Chapel Hill contacted representatives <br /> from Carrboro, UNC, and Orange County to determine interest in a jointly- <br /> funded flood control study of the Bolin, Booker, and Morgan Creek <br /> watersheds. Each agency responded favorably and designated staff <br /> members for an ad hoc committee to further explore the possibility of such <br /> a study. Representatives from the Corps of Engineers and the North <br /> Carolina Department of Environment,Health and Natural Resources <br /> (DEHNR)met with this ad hoc committee and described the services that <br /> could be provided and the process for applying for a flood control study. <br /> Based on the information provided by the Corps and DEHNR the <br /> committee drafted a scope of services which included the following key <br /> elements: <br /> • Development of a watershed computer model for each basin. <br /> • Investigation of stormwater management alternatives for each basin, <br /> including economic and environmental analyses of each alternative <br /> • Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses necessary for updating floodplain <br /> mapping <br /> • Environmental planning assistance, including wetland delineation and <br /> assessment <br />