Orange County NC Website
State of North Carolina 12 <br /> Department of Environment, , <br /> Health and Natural Resources <br /> Division of Water Resources <br /> James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor C <br /> Jor•,crncn B. Hawes, Secretary C <br /> John N. Morris;Director <br /> January 27, 1997 <br /> Lt. Col. Terry R. YoungbIuth <br /> District Engineer <br /> Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <br /> P.O. Box 1890 <br /> Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 <br /> Dear Lieutenant Colonel Youngbluth: <br /> The Division of Water Resources requests that the Wilmington District initiate a <br /> Section 22 Planning Assistance to States Program Study of flooding and flood control alternatives <br /> in the Bolin, Booker, and Morgan Creek Watersheds in the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Ell <br /> and in Orange County, North Carolina. This flood control study is the State of North Carolina's <br /> number one priority for Section 22 studies during Fiscal Year 1996-97. <br /> The Department of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources will provide the non- <br /> federal portion of the first year's study costs ($50,000) after the local project agreement has been <br /> signed. For your information, this $50,000 total will consist of a State water resources grant of <br /> $25,000 and four 56,250 contributions from each of the local project sponsors: Town of <br /> Carrboro, Town of Chapel Hill, Orange County, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel <br /> Hill. The second year's study costs(also $50,000) will be provided in the same manner as in the <br /> first. We have enclosed a letter resolution and memorandum from the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> describing this funding arrangement. <br /> We look forward to working with the Wilmington District on this study effort. <br /> Sincerely yours, <br /> hn N. Morris <br /> JNM/bb <br /> Enclosure <br /> P.O. Box 27687,Raleigh.North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4064 <br /> An Equal Cocortur.-y Affrmative Action Employer co%recyctea/ 1o%pce-ccnsumer paper <br />