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DRAFT 33 <br /> project or rerouting it some way. So it would gamer a lot of additional support for the unique <br /> qualities of this community. <br /> Belk stated that listing a district or individual property on the National Register of Historic <br /> Places does not confer any obligations or restriction upon the private property owner; unless they <br /> receive the 20% tax credit for building rehabilitations. If a property within Cedar Grove is listed <br /> on the National Register the owner is still free to do as he or she wishes with that property; alter <br /> it in any way; demolish it; there are no restrictions. It is strictly an honorary designation. <br /> Belk stated that no district is listed on the National Register without the consent of the people <br /> that live in the district. If a majority of property owners within Cedar Grove object to listing on <br /> the National Register, then the nomination will not go forward. Before proceeding, the <br /> Commission will need the consent from a majority of the property owners in the community. <br /> E Your Questions and Concerns. <br /> White asked if the Cedar Grove group were interested in pursuing the designation, then what is <br /> the next step? Is the County ready to proceed? <br /> Belk replied that this is correct. The County is ready to go. And that is the next step. He will be <br /> sending a letter to each property owner asking if they think Cedar Grove should be on the <br /> National Register, yea or nay. The property owners will check it and send it back in; sort of a <br /> "straw poll". Later, there is a formal process where a letter from the County will be sent for <br /> individual property owners' comments, but the Historic Preservation Commission needs to know <br /> whether the property owners want this before spending County money to go through the formal <br /> process. <br /> Marie Vargo-Flynn stated that in speaking with Mrs. Pender, Mrs. Pender had expressed concern <br /> if this would tell you what you could do with your property, if there would be restrictions placed <br /> on the property. Ms. Vargo-Flynn expressed that she thinks it is a good idea <br /> Patsy Hall stated that Mrs. Hughes is 95 years old and would be a good person to talk to about <br /> the history of Cedar Grove. <br /> Anderson asked if Cedar Grove were to be put on the National Register, would there be any <br /> physical evidence for travelers as they are entering a National Register district? <br /> Belk replied that there could be. The Commission could ask the County to provide some type of <br /> recognition through a plaque or attractive sign. <br /> Anderson asked what is normally done nationally? <br /> Belk replied that it varies with the local jurisdiction. Some do rather ornate signage,others little <br /> if anything. <br /> 5 Attachment t 5 <br />