Orange County NC Website
DRAFT 32 <br /> c. Why Cedar Grove belongs on the National Register <br /> Belk stated that the community includes structures and farmsteads which date from the 1800s <br /> through the 1940s. The historic structures represent a variety of activities that took place at <br /> Cedar Grove, such as churches, a cemetery, stores, a post office, and academy, medical offices, <br /> and other businesses, as well as several homes. The district contains significant examples of late <br /> 19th and early 20th century vernacular and stylish architecture. Among these are domestic <br /> buildings and two extremely rare, virtually intact, frame crossroads stores. <br /> Belk stated that the Cedar Grove Crossroads and environs contain suitable contributing <br /> characteristics to qualify as a rural historic district. Cedar Grove exhibits elements of a historic <br /> cultural landscape, a landscape that has evolved through uses by persons whose activities and <br /> occupancies have modified the physical environment. Cedar Grove possesses a significant <br /> concentration of land uses, buildings and structures, roads, and natural features that would <br /> qualify it as a National Register Rural Historic District. <br /> Belk stated that the crossroads community of Cedar Grove represents a pattern of social <br /> interaction that was once common in rural agricultural areas of North Carolina. After the advent <br /> of the automobile,crossroads communities with viable business activities have become relatively <br /> rare. Fortunately, this pattern still survives in at least one comer of Orange County. As such, <br /> Cedar Grove is worthy of listing with the National Register of Historic Places. <br /> d. What is the National Register? <br /> Belk then explained that the National Register is the Nation's official list of sites that are deemed <br /> important to the heritage of the United States. Listing a site on the National Register of Historic <br /> Places is an honorary designation. Although the National Register's primary purpose is to <br /> recognize properties of historic and cultural significance, listing also ensures such properties will <br /> undergo an environmental review when federally-funded projects, such as highway construction <br /> and urban renewal,are undertaken in their vicinity. <br /> e. What will National Register Listing mean for Cedar Grove? <br /> Belk stated that for income-producing properties within the district, such as commercial <br /> buildings and rental properties, there would be both federal and state tax credits available for <br /> building rehabilitation. In addition, some measure of protection would be secured. All <br /> properties in districts that are listed on the National Register must be provided consideration in <br /> the planning of federal projects. National Register designation does not guarantee protection <br /> from federal projects that might affect the property such as a road project from DOT, however, <br /> when there appears to be a conflict from such a project the State Historic Preservation Office will <br /> work to r inirni the impact on the historic property or district by negotiating with the <br /> responsible federal agency. For example, if Cedar Grove was listed on the National Register, <br /> and some sort of road project was then proposed that would impact Cedar Grove, there would be <br /> a considerable outpouring of public support to protect Cedar Grove whether by changing the <br /> 4 Attachment# 5 <br />