Orange County NC Website
DRAFT1 <br /> White stated that five years ago there was an inventory of the unincorporated parts of Chapel Hill <br /> Township. The Commission started there because that area was so threatened with development <br /> and whole-scale housing. This would be a good place to start to at least identify those properties <br /> that were there so that if they were lost, it would be known what it was that was being lost. In <br /> 1992 the remainder of Orange County, the other townships, were surveyed. The inventory for <br /> the unincorporated part of Chapel.Hill Township yielded 160 significant structures. For the <br /> remainder of Orange County, there were 507 that were identified. In that same year Cedar Grove <br /> was put on the docket to be noted as a potential rural historic district. In 1993 there was an <br /> archeological survey done of Orange County based on a model, not an actual survey. This was a <br /> predictive model of where these sites might be located. This model identified 456 potential <br /> archeological sites. That same year, Cedar Grove Crossroads was put on the National Register <br /> Study List. So Cedar Grove has been coming along with the Commission ')ecause it was <br /> recognized early on to be such an important area. In 1994 and 1995 the Commission developed <br /> the Preservation Element. That same year Shannon Sexton interviewed residents of the <br /> community and prepared a draft nomination for Cedar Grove Crossroads for National Register <br /> nomination. This year, 1996, the Commission is in the process of working on a manuscript to <br /> detail the historical architecture of Orange County. Also on the Commission's agenda for 1996 <br /> is to meet with the residents of Cedar Grove for discussion of the National Register status. This <br /> gives a brief overview of what this Commission's order of business is and what it has done to get <br /> • this far. <br /> White then turned the meeting over to Don Belk. <br /> b. Cedar Grove-A Special Place in Orange County <br /> Belk thanked the guests for coming tonight showing them the map of historic sites of <br /> significance that were identified during the various inventories and the map representing the <br /> Preservation Plan showing historic crossroads where there is a concentration of significant <br /> historic architectural resources and sites that are on the National Register Study List. <br /> Belk stated that Historic Preservation is important to Orange County because it maintains our <br /> cultural heritage and gives us a sense of who we are and from whence we came. The founding <br /> families of Orange County are represented by many of the important historic sites that remain. <br /> In Cedar Grove, the names of the buildings reflect the heritage of many of its founding families, <br /> names such as Ellis,Hall,Hughes, Oliver,Pender,Patton,Finley, Tolar and Lindsay. <br /> Belk stated tiE the history of Orange County is tied to its present landscape, and the beauty of <br /> that rural landscape evokes strong feelings within all of us who are residents of Orange County. <br /> It is a meaningful component of our modem-day lives. <br /> Belk then gave a slide presentation of the Cedar Grove Crossroads district. <br /> 3 Attachment t'5 <br />