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10 <br /> consistent with the County's preservation goals. Furthermore, the nomination will educate and <br /> enlighten the public of the significance of Orange County's historic resources. <br /> Proiect Requirements <br /> The intent of this project is to evaluate historic structures, their associated landscape settings, and <br /> to determine a district boundary that considers both. The evaluation should also consider the <br /> historic acreage associated with a site and how it has changed over time, as well as historical <br /> perceptions of the physical limits of the crossroads area. In summary, the boundaries of the Cedar <br /> Grove National Register Historic District should encompass structures, their viewsheds, and <br /> adjacent environmental features such as woodlands, fields, and streams, that are associated with <br /> historical activities of the crossroads area. The district should be a unified landscape region, not <br /> just an outline of current parcel boundaries. <br /> The scope of work will include: determination of historic area boundaries and evaluation of the <br /> landscape elements; expanded surveys on historic structures; evaluation of significance and <br /> historical integrity of the landscape and built environment; application of the National Register <br /> criteria and preparation of the National Register forms. The work would also include the required <br /> photography for the nomination forms and preparation of a color slide presentation. The <br /> consultant is expected to present findings at a community information meeting as well as the <br /> public hearing on the proposed nomination. <br /> Proiect Schedule <br /> The projected starting date is March 1, 1997, and all work must be completed by November 1, <br /> 1997. ConsultanW submitting a proposal must specify a starting date and completion date for the <br /> project. <br /> 3 Attachment #2 <br />