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DRAFT PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES 2-24-97 <br /> 20 <br /> 1 • trtoorporabe appropriate references to the Stoney Creek Basin Small Area Plan in the Comp +m Plan(CP. <br /> 1-97); <br /> 3 • dellne the Overlay District boundaries on the Zoning Atlas(Z-2-97) <br /> 4 • aeate a SW"Creek Basin Overlay Zoning District and <br /> 5 • modik FhWbie Dot provisions in the Subdivision Regulations as applied to the District to provide <br /> 6 consistency between the Zoning On�nance and Subdivision Regulations <br /> 7 <br /> 8 CMARNM ANDIOR S FROM THE WARD OF COMMSIONERS None. <br /> - <br /> 9 ..�R� <br /> 10 COMME�!'*4 Asr R•M �rxxu_e GROM THE PLANNING BOARD <br /> 11 <br /> - -- None. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Lae Rafatow,a member of the Stoney Creek Basin Small Area Commdeee,said that this group's <br /> 15 tMbrt=0 be used as a model for other Small Area Pans. He complimented Clan Bill on the work that he did with <br /> 16 this Committee. He endorsed the plan in general,but he requested that several areas be reviewed again by the <br /> 17 Planning An along with several members of the Stoney Credo CAm y*m He mentioned in particular that there <br /> 18 was oo1e4m about the sell back options for tte Wage Option. Several members felt that the commercial center of <br /> 19 the village Opdot Should be buttered and set back so as not to be visible from the road. They had corms up WM <br /> 20 which would encourage that ouk ans. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Cheri Rosemond.a resident of the Stoney creek Basin area.appreciated being notified about this being an <br /> 23 agenda item. She is concerned about the possibi*that the stoney creek Planning process as wet as the regular <br /> 24 Flercible Devek prnertt Plan process could go forward without notification to the local homeowners. She would very <br /> 25 much Wo b have homeowwters notified when items impacting their neighborhood come belcm the PbnfwV Board. <br /> 26 She also requ05*1 lofvrm udOn mg8rdwg the 30 acre park that was mentioned as a part of another development <br /> 27 She hoped that if s similar situation s)dsbd in the Stoney Creek Basin the residents would be.iob and the County <br /> 28 would work Witt the landowners about how the park would be developed and used. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 County Manger John Link indicated that the Master Plan for Recreation and Panto would be revisited by the <br /> 31 Board of Cornmkabners in the near future. At that time they wit be asked to appoint a correlate to review the <br /> 32 Current plan. A part of that review,would certainly be to include the area residents in discussion and planning. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 A motion was made by Commissioner Carey,Jr.,seconded by Commissioner Cordon,to refer the proposed <br /> 35 amwKkrmft(Cis,2b, 3a, &4b)to the Planning Board for a re—mi.1xndatbn to be retorted to the Board of <br /> 36 Commissioners no sooner than April 1, 1997. <br /> 37 VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> 38 <br /> 39 <br /> 40 2. Zoning Atlas Amendments <br /> 41 (a) Z-1 97 Carden's Body and Paint Service <br /> 42 This item was presented by Mary Willis for the purpose of receiving cit¢en comvnent <br /> 43 ore a rezoning proposal of tine Planning Staff to corer.3 an error in Ito Zoning Atlas. The pmopardw are located on the <br /> 44 sag side of NC 166 be wean Wapner Dairy Road and 80ioek Road. The rezoning NWONes two Contiguous panxls: <br /> 45 Tax Map N0.1.10..10G at 7700 NC 137,containing 2-02 acres and awned by Chartie and Jem*w Mangum;and Tax <br /> 46 Map N06 1.10,._100 at 7700 NC 167, having 10.97 acres and owned by WMarn H. Carden, Jr. (Carden's Paint and <br /> 47 Body Servio@X <br /> 48 <br /> 49 COMMEMTS A-IUfIOM OJEST OM FROM THE BOARD OF COMAO&e MRS! Note, <br /> 50 <br /> 51 CONOMM ANEMM QUEVIONS MWM THE PLANNOIG 60AND: Nome. <br /> 52 <br /> S3 OURSTMM FROM MOMS: Norte. <br /> 54 <br /> 't <br />