Agenda - 04-01-1997 - 8g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-01-1997
Agenda - 04-01-1997 - 8g
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7/12/2013 11:20:48 AM
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11 <br /> Programming for Impact: Getting Things Done <br /> 5 - Element Planning Statement <br /> RSVP/Community and Economic Development/Tax Consulting/Counseling( 729 <br /> 5 Key Elements Element Descriptions <br /> Community Need Based on statistics from the 1990 Census, approximately 10,480 Orange County households have <br /> incomes between $0 and $17,500. Some residents with tow-middle income, including the dis- <br /> abled and/or elderly,and non-English speaking,may not file and receive the tax refunds due them <br /> because they are unable to pay for assistance or because they are physically unable to leave their <br /> homes. Many will not file because they do not understand the forms. In addition,IRS offices are <br /> down-sizing and many taxpayers will be referred elsewhere for assstance. <br /> Service Activity Trained RSVP volunteers will serve the target population as VITA (Volunteer Income <br /> Tax Assistance) tax preparers. VITA does not have specific income guidelines. Each <br /> situation is evaluated by the volunteer to determine if assistance should be provided or <br /> if the taxpayer should be referred to a paid preparer. Volunteers are trained to file fed- <br /> eral/state returns,many special schedules/forms and electronic filing. The RSVP-VITA <br /> program will be offered county-wide at 5 sites during the tax season(2 senior centers-2 <br /> days/wk, 1 health center-1 day/wk, 1 hospital-1 day/week, 1 handicap employment pro- <br /> gram 3 days/season). February 1-April 15: 5 sites will be open approximately 25 hours <br /> weekly. Sites operate on different days (Monday - Saturday) and time schedules vary <br /> in order to accommodate the taxpayer. The service will be offered the rest of the year <br /> on an as-needed basis. Some sites will provide walk-in service and others will provide <br /> service by appointment only. Volunteers will ask taxpayers to complete a short survey <br /> depicting their level of satisfaction with the service and taxpayers will be asked to make <br /> suggestions for improvement. Volunteers will record the type of service provided, ages <br /> of clients, number and amount of refunds, and number of those not receiving refunds. <br /> All services are provided free of charge. <br /> Input 30 RSVP volunteers will attend a-week long 40 hour training session on preparing state <br /> and federal tax returns and a 2 day workshop on electronic filing. Volunteers will serve <br /> approximately 4 hours per week for 10 weeks totally an estimate of 1,200 hours for the <br /> tax season. The IRS and State Division of Taxation will provide the training at an es- <br /> timated value of $100/trainee totaling $3,000 (in-kind). Volunteer CIMA insurance <br /> coverage is provided at approximately $5/volunteer/year totaling $150; annual recogni- <br /> tion cost is $10/volunteer totaling $300; donated site space estimated prorated value is <br /> $4,000_calculated at $13 X 1500sq ft; staff support, copy machine use, computers, pa- <br /> per, and supplies are donated or provided by RSVP (estimated value $3,200). RSVP <br /> staff will coordinate the training, develop sites, set volunteer schedules, publicize the <br /> service weekly through 23 media contacts and distribute fliers, accumulate data and <br /> keep records,monitor sites, transmit and process returns submitted for electronic filing, <br /> and provide a special recognition/training event after the tax season. RSVP staff will <br /> work with local county agencies (Meals-on-Wheels, Social Services, Health Dept., <br /> Housing, Aging, Nutrition Sites, etc.) working with low to middle income residents to <br /> get the VITA publicity to their clients. RSVP staff and key volunteers will work to <br /> get loaned or donated computers/printers from local computer companies and the local <br /> sponsor. Some computers and printers will be purchased based on funds available. <br /> Accomplishments It is estimated that 700 of the target population will have received volunteer tax assis- <br /> (Antieipated) tance resulting in accurate on-time filings and refunds. The actual accuracy level will <br /> be determined by computerized results provided by the State and IRS assessing the ac- <br /> curacy of the trained VITA Volunteers. <br /> Impact Calculated at the average commercial filing charge($75.00),the volunteers will pro- <br /> (Anticipated) vide over$52,500 annually in free services and savings to the target population. This <br /> will result in an additional infusion of approxim$ 70,000 into the community if each of <br /> the 700 taxpayers receives an average refund of$100. <br /> PAGE 13-U <br />
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