Orange County NC Website
- yK-t:�-a77 1G Sb av���itwv�NaCK ` 1%443004 P.09/09 <br /> 33 <br /> 1 an existlrtg private school located on the north We of ML Sinai Road(SR 1716)and west of Friends School Road <br /> 2 (SR 1719). The property contains 33.94 acres and is zoned PD-RB,Planned Development-Rural Buffer. In August <br /> 3 of 1990 o 0w A Special Use Permit was issued for Carolina Friends School to allow ft use of the sd s <br /> 4 waste+aater ftossl system in the Rural Buffer. Article 6.20.1 of the Zoning Ordinance states that a paclrage <br /> 5 treaontsnt plentwilh a design capacity over 3000 gallons per day maybe allowed in the RB district only through <br /> 6 approval of a panned davebpmea Article of the Zoning Ordinance also requires a planned development <br /> 7 approoval wherz there are multiple principal structures on a non-residential bt greater than wo saes in size. The <br /> 8 Board of Directors of Carolina Friends School adopted a five-year masw plan in 1991 for development of the school. <br /> 9 M 1992 the Special Use Permit was modified to include expansion of buildings and parking consistent with the <br /> 10 school's master plan. In 1996,8,500 square feet of additional fow area was included in the Special Use Permit for a <br /> 11 new gbraryftU building and expansion of several other existing structures. The changes also involved a Zoning <br /> 12 Atlas amendment to rezone the 16.38 acres being added to the school from Rural Buffer to Planned Development- <br /> 13 Rural Buffer,and to rezone the acreage going to Duke University from PD-RB to RB. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 COMMENTS ANIMR QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: None <br /> 16 <br /> 17 CONOMMM ANOM OUESTONS FROM CITIZENS: None. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon,seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis,to refer the proposed <br /> 20 amendment to the Planning Board for siecoininendaft to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner <br /> 21 than May 5,1997. <br /> 22 VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> 23 <br /> 24 The public hearing remains open,for written comment only.'unW the close of the Orange County Planning <br /> 25 Board meeting on April 3rd. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 D. REPORTS(for inttoanation only-not a public hearing) <br /> 28 1. Triangle Transit Authority <br /> 29 This item was postponed until a later meeting. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 E. CLOSED SESSION-Personnel natter. Authority: G.S.143-318.11 (aX6) <br /> 32 <br /> 33 A motion was made by Commissioner Carey.Jr.,seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis,to go into <br /> 34 Closed Sesak n. <br /> 35 VOTE. UNANIMOUS <br /> 36 <br /> 37 A motion was made by Chair Crowther,seconded by Commissioner Halkiods,to return to Open <br /> 38 Session. <br /> 39 VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> 40 <br /> 41 ADJOURNMENT <br /> 42 <br /> 43 A.,iodoi was made by Chair Crowther,seconded by Commissioner Halkictis,to adjourn the meeting. <br /> 44 VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> 45 <br /> 46 ThWe being no Nrdw business,the meeting was adjoumed. The next regular meeting of the Orange <br /> 47 County Boold of Commissbriers wig take piece on March 5, 1997 in the Old Courthouse,Hillsborough. North <br /> 48 Carolina. <br /> 49 <br /> So Respectfully sub mOtte o, <br /> 51 <br /> 52 Kathy Baker,Deputy Clerk <br /> TOTAL P.09 <br />