Orange County NC Website
2124X-1 Pubuc 9rAelx1q MWUTM •.� <br /> 1 Portion of the pegmty to be used for entrance and emit to The Old Place. Thor use 0f his 32 <br /> 2 acre of his land to be unusable. ProPY causes 1/4 of an <br /> 3 <br /> 5 perpetual wrrrmerhted that het understanding was that the road frontage was gnu}through <br /> 6 <br /> 7 A motion win., by Commissionei,Carey.Jr.,seconded by Commissioner refer the proposed <br /> 8 amendment to the planning Scored for a 100011 r1e11113tion to be returned to the Board of Commissbnea no sooner <br /> 9 than May 5, 1997. <br /> 10 VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> 11 <br /> 12 (e) SUP(A),3_97 Orange Regional landfill <br /> 13 This item was presented by Eddie*k for the purpose of receiving dozen con in a 1 <br /> 14 on a pass A Special Use Permit for an addition to the Orange Regional landflf. The Orange Regional L Wit a <br /> 15 1, ,mi d on the north and south side of Eubanks Road(SR 1727)north of Chapel Hill. The subject property,(Tax Map <br /> 16 Number 7.1&ZM)contains 1276 acra and is located immediately west of me existing landfill on the nortlh side of <br /> 17 Eubanks Road. It is Zoned Rural buffer and designated Rural Buffer on the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan. The <br /> 18 existing landfill It in the Chapel Hip Transition Area on the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan. The applicants are <br /> 19 requesting a Class A Special Use Permit under Article 8.82 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance to construct a <br /> 20 4000 square foot vehicle maintenance building,to process yard waste and storm debris on an ongoing basis.and to <br /> 21 Moen recyclable materials which will include white appliances,tits and scrap rmefal. Access to the site will be <br /> 22 provided through the existing landfill. There will be no direct access to Eubanks Road. A 100400t buflar will be <br /> 23 provided around the pane..*of the site,except Wong the Mtem to the existing landfill. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 02 ANefert( EONS FROM 7WE BOAF W QE COM.ecck MS: <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Commissioner Gordon asked for clarifications about storage of scrape metal on the site. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 W.M stated that the scrape metal would be in roll-off containers. He asked Mr.Harold Harris.who is <br /> 30 employed at the Landfill,to speak to this matter Mr.Harris was swom in at this tire. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Harold Harris indicated that they are requesting the option to use this land for the purpose of recycling.not <br /> 33 only for white goods.but tires and scrap metal as well. He indicated that at the present time they do not intend to <br /> 34 recycle white goods or any other metals but they would like to have the option.In response to a question,he stated <br /> 35 that no one lives next door to the landfill. Duke University Is on the North$ips and on the west side there an no <br /> 39 houses. Across the road about 500 feet down there is a house. He also mentioned that this 4000 sq.R facility would <br /> 37 be in operation 15 or 20 years at least Water would be provided by well and sewer by septic system. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 COMMENTS ANDIOR QUESTONS FROM CITQ=* <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Ms.inns Deng Johnson.a landowner adint to this site,requested that the landfill not be expanded. The <br /> 42 landowners in this sees are not being compensated for loss of property value which results from living new the landfill. <br /> 43 She tea that the time was wrong to allow this fadity to be built It would be a better idea to have the Question of siting <br /> 44 the new landfill answered prior to any additional building on this site. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 A motor was made by Commissioner Carey..Jr..seconded by Commissioner Brown.>n refer the proposed <br /> 47 amendment b time Planning Boxed fora to be returned to the Hoard of Commissioners no sooner <br /> 48 than April 1,1W. <br /> 49 VOTE: UNANSKM <br /> 050 <br /> 51 (d) PD-1A7 Carolina Friends Scholl(Modification) <br /> 52 This item was presented by Emily Cameron for the purpose of n xmng ddzan <br /> 53 comment an a proposed modification to the Special Use Permit for Carolina Friends School which would slow the <br /> 54 school to swap acreage with Duke University and mod4 the boundaries of the school site. Carolina Friends school is <br />