Orange County NC Website
• 25 <br /> ARTICLE 7-SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR EVALUATION/PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS(Continued) <br /> PLANNING BOARD OF <br /> BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED COMMISSIONERS <br /> FINDINGS TO SUPPORT FINDINGS FINDINGS <br /> Ordinance Requirements <br /> Article 7.14.3 sets forth "site <br /> planning"standards with which an <br /> applicant must comply. Standards <br /> regarding"external relationships" <br /> are as follows: <br /> a) 1. Access points provided to _x—Yes No Access will be provided via a Yes No <br /> encourage smooth traffic private drive to State Road 1719, <br /> flow with controlled turning Friends School Road. No minor <br /> movements and minimum hazard streets will be affected by this <br /> to vehicular or pedestrian development. <br /> traffic. Use of minor <br /> streets by substantial <br /> traffic is discouraged. <br /> a)2. Safe and convenient routes _x—Yes No Since there is no through traffic, Yes No <br /> provided for pedestrians vehicles speeds are slow,allowing <br /> and motorcyclists. Crossings for safe pedestrian circulation. <br /> safely marked, located and Most of the existing structures/ <br /> controlled. facilities are located on the west <br /> side of the entrance drive which <br /> minimizes pedestrian crossings. <br /> a)3. Visibility provided at _N/A_Yes No There are no internal Yes No <br /> intersections(pedestrian intersections. Sight distance <br /> and vehicular)in accordance is adequate at Friends School <br /> with Article 6.8. Road. <br /> *a)4. 100-foot open space provided _N/A_Yes No N/A- 100 foot open space not Yes No <br /> along perimeter of PD-II required. Schools are permitted <br /> district. Recreational use in all residential districts. <br /> and off-street parking set No change to parking is <br /> back at least 75 feet of proposed. <br /> district boundary. <br /> a)5. Yards, fences,walks,or —x—Yes No Most of the parking is screened Yes No <br /> vegetation provided to screen by existing vegetation. <br /> off undesirable views,lighting, <br /> noise,etc. Parking/loading <br /> areas and refuse collection/ <br /> storage areas screened. <br /> *Finding affected by modification,PD-1-97 <br />