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2 <br /> Zoning Ordinance also requires a planned development approval where there are <br /> multiple principal structures on a non-residential lot greater than two acres in size. <br /> The Board of Directors of Carolina Friends School adopted a five-year master <br /> plan in 1991 for development of the school. In 1992 the Special Use Permit was <br /> modified to include expansion of buildings and parking consistent with the <br /> school's master plan. In 1996, 6,500 square feet of additional floor area was <br /> included in the Special Use Permit for a new library/arts building and expansion, <br /> of several other existing structures. <br /> The current request involves modification of the school boundaries by a proposed <br /> land swap with Duke University of approximately 16.38 acres as shown on the <br /> attached vicinity map. The trade will provide a more efficient configuration of the <br /> school site for any future expansion as well as 925+feet of additional frontage on <br /> Friends School Road. In addition, the 16.38 acres going to Duke University will <br /> be incorporated into Duke Forest and will provide a connection between the <br /> Couch Tracts of the Durham Division and the Korstian Division of Duke Forest. <br /> Such a connection will facilitate wildlife movement and biodiversity. <br /> The proposed boundary change represents a modification to the Special Use <br /> Permit issued in 1990, amended in 1992 and 1996,although the total acreage of <br /> the site remains the same. Article 8.7.3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that <br /> such a change be considered by the Board of Commissioners following a public <br /> hearing. The change also involves a Zoning Atlas amendment to rezone the 16.38 <br /> acres being added to the school from Rural Buffer to Planned Development- <br /> Rural Buffer,and to rezone the acreage going to Duke University from PD-RB to <br /> RB. <br /> The attached letter from NCDEHNR indicates that the current permit for sewage <br /> disposal will be unaffected by the school's boundary change. Findings have been <br /> proposed by the Planning Staff to demonstrate compliance with the Zoning <br /> Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The revised Special Use Permit is also <br /> in the attachments. <br /> The modification to the Special Use Permit and rezoning was presented at the <br /> February 24,public hearing. No citizen comments were received at the hearing. <br /> The Board of Commissioners referred the item to the Planning Board for a <br /> recommendation. On March 6,the Planning Board voted unanimously to support <br /> the findings recommended by Staff concerning the specific ordinance <br /> requirements and the general standards. Subsequently the Planning Board <br /> recommended approval of the modification to the Special Use Permit and <br /> rezoning for Carolina Friends School. <br />