Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> PLANNING BOARD OF <br /> BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED COMMISSIONERS <br /> FINDINGS TO SUPPORT FINDINGS FINDINGS <br /> Ordinance Requirements <br /> 6. Location of all water courses on _x—Yes No All intermittent streams and Yes No <br /> the site, including the direction direction of flows are provided. <br /> of now A pond is also shown on <br /> neighboring property. <br /> *7. Existing topography at a contour _N/A_Yes No Topography will not be Yes No <br /> interval of five(5)feet based affected by the proposed <br /> on mean sea level datum boundary change. <br /> 8. Proposed or existing fencing, _x—Yes No Existing and proposed parking Yes No <br /> screening,gates,parking,service and service,and storage areas <br /> and storage areas are indicated on the plan. <br /> 9. Access to site including sight Yes_x—No Sight distances are not shown Yes No <br /> distances on all roads used for on the plan,but an on-site <br /> access inspection proved the sight <br /> distance at the entrance on <br /> Friends School Road is adequate. <br /> *10. Elevations of all structures _x—Yes No Elevations of some of the existing Yes No <br /> proposed to be used in the structures are on file. No new <br /> development buildings are proposed. <br /> 11. Names and addresses of owners _x—Yes No Provided with application. Yes No <br /> and applicants <br /> *12. A fee,as set by the Board of _x—Yes No $645.00 application fee paid Yes No <br /> County Commissioners on 1/13/97. <br /> *Finding affected by modification,PD-1-97 <br />