Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> FINDINGS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br /> PERTAINING TO <br /> APPLICATION: PD-1-97 CAROLINA FRIENDS SCHOOL <br /> (MODIFICATION OF PD-1-96) <br /> The Special Use Permit for Carolina Friends School was approved in 1990 and modified in 1992 and 1996. Article 8.7.3 of the <br /> Zoning Ordinance states that modifications to Class A Special Use Permits(other than minor changes defined by 8.7.1)shall be <br /> considered by the Board of County Commissioners following a public hearing. <br /> The findings listed below are those required by the Zoning Ordinance and used in approval of the current Special Use Permit. Where <br /> a finding has been affected by the request for a modification,it has been noted by an asterisk(*). <br /> ARTICLES 8.6 AND 8.8-APPLICATION COMPONENTS("Yes" indicates_compliance: "No" indicates Non-compliance) <br /> PLANNING BOARD OF <br /> BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED COMMISSIONERS <br /> FINDINGS TO SUPPORT FINDINGS FINDINGS <br /> Ordinance Requirements <br /> 8.6-Application submitted on forms _x—Yes No Submittal includes application Yes No <br /> providing full and accurate description forms,site plan and supporting <br /> of proposed use,including location, documentation on the sewage <br /> appearance and operational disposal system. <br /> characteristics. <br /> * 8.8 a)-Seven(7)copies of the site _x—Yes No 26 copies of the overall site Yes No <br /> plan prepared by a registered N.C. land plan showing the proposed <br /> surveyor or engineer containing: boundary change. <br /> 1. North point,scale and date _x—Yes No Shown on the site plan. Yes No <br /> 2. Extent of area to be developed _x—Yes No Site plan indicates extent of Yes No <br /> area to be developed. <br /> 3. Location and width of all easements _x—Yes No The rights-of-way of Mt. Sinai Yes No <br /> and rights-of-way within or _ Road and Friends School Road and <br /> adjacent to the site required drainage easements are <br /> shown on the site plan. <br /> 4. Location of all existingor _x—Yes No All structures are shown. Yes No <br /> proposed structures mthe site <br /> 5. Location of all areas on the site _x_Yes No The area south of the pond is not Yes No <br /> subject to flood hazard or inundation detailed on the Flood Insurance <br /> as shown on flood maps or soil maps Rate Maps. The Orange County <br /> Soil Survey does not indicate <br /> soils subject to flooding in <br /> this area. <br /> *Finding affected by modification,PD-1-97 <br />