Agenda - 04-01-1997 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-01-1997
Agenda - 04-01-1997 - 6a
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/12/2013 11:07:01 AM
Creation date
7/12/2013 11:06:59 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19970401
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1997
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Success Story <br /> Sylvia and her daughter were made homeless when she returned home from the hospital <br /> after surgery and her Significant Other turned them out of the house. As soon as she was <br /> physically able she got a$6 an hour job and applied to us. <br /> She began studying Commercial Art at Alamance Community College. It was like <br /> setting off a rocket. She was so very good that when she became ill,the head of the <br /> department called several times asking us to make provision for her to work at home. <br /> "Don't drop her—she is too talented." Sylvia was diagnosed as having Lupus. At first she <br /> was able to keep up with her work coming in when she was'able and handing in work that <br /> she completed at home. One of the teachers cut her grade considerably because she <br /> missed so many classes. She took as many classes as she could by video. The <br /> department did not think of her as a handicapped person whom they were required to <br /> make special provisions for. They have since apologized for that. <br /> She became so ill that she called and asked us to remove her from the program. Her <br /> efforts to keep up were adding to her stress. Her condition had reached the stage of <br /> severely hampered arm movement. While housebound Sylvia became involved with the <br /> internet and found a job in Norway. They were aware of her health problems but <br /> believed she could work at home when incapacitated and assured her their disability plan <br /> was excellent. <br /> She sold everything and moved to Denmark. She stays in touch with our office. She <br /> called her former counselor recently to say she was planning to marry soon, is having a <br /> private art showing in a local gallery soon, is walking everywhere and has not been in a <br /> car for three months. <br /> She thanked us for our help and remains in close touch. <br />
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