Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> April 5, 1996 a good way to gain professional experience, <br /> I've applied for a job co-op. <br /> I will be beginning an internship <br /> working for ACC's Commercial Art <br /> Ms. Faye Hall Department updating JPTA Director, JOCCA P P g P romotional material, <br /> P.O. Box 27 such as, recruitment booklets, flyers and <br /> Pittsboro, NC 27312 perhaps a multimedia piece. This <br /> Dear Faye: internship will at the very least require <br /> knowledge of 3- or 4 software computer <br /> Thank you for the invitation to write- graphic packages; layout and design; <br /> up my experiences with you,your staff, and possibly photography and possibly an <br /> your agency. I'm happy to do so—for all of animation package. <br /> you have made a positive impact on my life. <br /> The past ... <br /> Because it was a requirement to As you know, this sort of career <br /> continue receiving the last few weeks preparation isn't possible to somebody like <br /> remaining on unemployment compensation, P am very me without help. T v <br /> I showed up for my first contact with y aware that I <br /> JOCCA. an outreach meeting in January, could not have gone from yesterday's point <br /> 1995. I wasn't in the mood. I had been A (which now seems like a bad dream) to <br /> unemployed for a long time. point B, charged up and looking forward to <br /> Therefore, I showed up for the a new life after graduation. <br /> meeting and without any enthusiasm but <br /> followed recommendations that I pursue 'ham you for allowing me the opportunity <br /> what JOCCA had to offer. I dutifully to help you prove the merit of <br /> underwent eligibility testing and complied JOCCA/JPTA's mission to others. <br /> with all the other red tape. By early <br /> February, 1995 I qualified for job-retraining. <br /> By late February, I began work on my Sincerely, <br /> Associates Degree at Alamance Community <br /> College with a major in Commercial Art and <br /> Audiovisual Technology. <br /> The present... <br /> Here's a small glimpse as to what <br /> JOCCA sponsorship and JPTA funds have <br /> enabled me to do: <br /> It took me a quarter to adjust. On M. Kay Hicks <br /> the other end of the spectrum, was last 655 Friendly Pooch Lane <br /> quarters display of overconfidence. (I <br /> shouldn't have signed up for an upper level Pittsboro, NC 27312 <br /> course. ) Along the way, I've acquired an <br /> impressive array of skills and my artistic <br /> talents have been sharpened. I find PS - I've attached some of my school work <br /> myself putting in"overtime,"before and <br /> after class ends. for you to use in your presentation. Please <br /> call when they are ready for pick-up. <br /> Because cooperative educational <br /> experiences tend to drive home theory, and <br />