Orange County NC Website
to the Public of Request for Release of Funds, and to authorize the execution of the Request for <br /> Release of Funds for the Efland Estates CDBG Program. <br /> L ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT=SPECIAL USES=HISTORIC SITES NON_ <br /> RESIDENTIAL USE/MIXED USE <br /> This amendment would allow the Board of Commissioners to reapprove Special Use Permits <br /> for non-residential use of historic sites upon receipt of a report from the Planning Staff that the use has <br /> maintained compliance with the provisions of the Special Use Permit. <br /> I AMBERIDGE SUBDIVISION -PRELIMINARY PLAN <br /> This property is located between University Station Road and the Chapel Hill Spur of the <br /> Southern Railroad in northern Chapel Hill Township. Ten (10) residential lots are proposed on a 10.4 <br /> acre tract. The current zoning is Rural Residential and Lower Eno Protected Watershed. <br /> K, Z_1-97 CARDEN BODY& PAINT SERVICE/CHARLIE L&JEROLINE L MANGUM <br /> The Board will consider a proposed Zoning Atlas Amendment which will correct an error <br /> made in the initial zoning of Little River Township on January 1, 1994. <br /> L Special Ujg Permit-2-9T THE= PLACE:SPECIAL V_aE PERMIT RENEWAL <br /> The Board will close the public hearing and consider renewal of a Class A Special use Permit <br /> for the Old Place, a Bed and Breakfast establishment. <br /> M. S gcial Use Permit-1-97 TBE jN AT BINGHAM SCHOOL <br /> The Board will consider renewing a Class A Special use Permit for the Inn at Bingham School <br /> to allow the site to continue as a bed and breakfast inn in accordance with Article 8.8.24 of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance, Historic Sites Non-Residential Reuse/Mixed Use. <br /> ITEMS FOR DECISION :REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. CONSULTANT CONTRACT=CEDAR GROVE NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION <br /> (8:30-8:45) <br /> The County Commissioners will consider a contract to hire Kaye Graybeal' Historic Resource <br /> Specialist with DS Atlantic Corporation of Winston-Salem, North Carolina to complete the nomination of <br /> the Cedar Grove crossroads area to the National Register of Historic Places. <br /> IL IMPACT FEE REIMBURSEMENT POLICY(8:45-9:00) <br /> The County Commissioner will consider the approval of a revised Impact Fee Reimbursement <br /> Policy for Housing Development Agencies. The revision would enable the Commissioners to consider <br /> reimbursement requests from non-profit organizations developing rental property on a case by case <br /> basis. <br /> _G, CHARGE]Q SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE (9:00-9:15) <br /> The County Commissioners will consider approving the charge for this committee. The Skill <br /> Development Center's mission is to provide adequate training and services to allow all Orange County <br /> citizens to be self-sufficient and free of all public and private assistance. <br /> D, CORPS QE ENGINEERS DRAINAGE BASIN STUDY= FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH <br /> TOWN QE CHAPEL HILL (9:15-9:30) <br />