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11956 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 57 / Friday. March 22, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 11 <br /> by this final rule without significant community development,Loan , Subpart B-Section 202 Supportive <br /> change In terms of environmental programs-housing and community Housing for the Elderly <br /> impact.Accordingly,.the initial development,Low and moderate 891.200 Applicability. <br /> Findings of No Significant Impact income housing.Rent subsidies, 891.205 Definitions. <br /> remain applicable,and are available for Reporting and recordkeeping 891.210 Special project standards. <br /> public Inspection and copying between requirements. 891.215 Limits on number of units. <br /> 7:30 a.m.and 5:30 p.m.weekdays at the 891.220 Prohibited facilities. <br /> Office of the Rules Docket Clerk,451 24 CFR Part 890 891.225 Provision of services. <br /> Seventh Street S.W.,Room 10276, 891.230 Selection preferences. <br /> Washington.DC 20410-0500. Capital advance programs.Civil Subpart C-Section 811 Supportive <br /> 8 rights,Grant programs-housing and Housing for Persons With Disabilities <br /> Regulatory Flexibility Act community development,Individuals 891.300 Applicability. <br /> Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act with disabilities,Loan programs- 891.305 Definitions. <br /> (5 U.S.C.605(b)),the undersigned housing and community development, 891.310 Special project standards. <br /> hereby certifies that this final rule does Low and moderate income housing, 891.315 Prohibited facilities. <br /> not have a significant economic impact Mental health programs,Reporting and 891.320 Site and neighborhood standards. <br /> on a substantial number of small recordkeeping requirements. 891.325 Lead-based paint requirements. <br /> entities.The program will provide 24 CFR Part 891 Subpart D-Project Management <br /> capital advances to private nonprofit 891.400 Responsibilities of Owner. <br /> organizations and nonprofit consumer Aged,Capital advance programs,Civil 891.405 Replacement reserve. <br /> cooperatives to expand the supply of rights,Grant programs-housing and 891.410 Selection and admission of tenants. <br /> supportive housing for the elderly and community development,Individuals 891.415 Obligations of the household or <br /> to nonprofit organizations to expand the with disabilities,Loan programs- family. <br /> supply of supportive housing for housing and community development, 891.420 Overcrowded and underoccupted <br /> persons with disabilities.Although Low and moderate income housing, units. <br /> small entities will participate in the Mental health programs,Rent subsidies, 891.425 Lease requirements. <br /> ro the rule will not have a Reporting and recordkeeping 891A30 Termination lease. <br /> and <br /> program. modification of lease. <br /> significant Impact on them. requirements. 891.435 Security deposits. <br /> Executive Order 12606, The Family Accordingly,under the authority of 891.440 Adjustment of utility allowances. <br /> The General Counsel,as the 42 U.S.C.3535(d),for the reasons stated 891.445 Conditions for receipt of vacancy <br /> in the preamble.24 CFR chapter VIII is payments for assisted units. <br /> Designated Official for Executive Order amended as set forth below: 891.450 HUD review. <br /> 12606, The Family,has determined that Subpart E-Loans for Housing for the <br /> the provisions of this final rule will not PART 695-[REMOVED1 Elderly and Handicapped <br /> have a significant impact on family <br /> formation,maintenance,or general well- 1.Part 885 is removed. 891.500 Purpose and policy. <br /> being,and thus is not subject to review 891.505 Definitions <br /> under the Order.No significant change PART 88"REMOVED] 891.510 Displacement,relocation,and real <br /> in existing UD policies or programs property acquisition. <br /> $ p p 1p' 891.515 Audit requirements. <br /> will result from promulgation of this 2.Part 889 is removed. <br /> rule,as those policies or programs relate Section 202-Projects for the Elderly or <br /> R <br /> to family concerns. PAT 890-[REMOVED] Handicapped-Section 8 Assistance <br /> 891.520 Definitions applicable to 202/8 <br /> Executive Order 12612,Federalism 3.Part 890 is removed. projects. <br /> The General Counsel,as the 4.A new part 891 is added to read as 891.525 Amount and terms of financing. <br /> Designated Official under section 6(a)of follows: 891.530 Prepayment privileges. <br /> Executive Order 12611,Federalism,has 891.535 Requirements for awarding <br /> determined that the policies contained PART 891-SUPPORTIVE HOUSING construction contracts. <br /> P 891.540 Loan disbursement procedures. <br /> in this rule will not have substantial [,,WITH OR THE ELDERLY AND PERSONS 891.545 Completion of project,cost <br /> direct effects on States or their political DISABILITIES certification,and HUD approvals. <br /> subdivisions,or the relationship part A-General Program Requirements 891.550 Selection preferences. <br /> Sub <br /> between the Federal government and 891.555 Smoke detectors. <br /> the States,or on the distribution of Sec. 891.560 HAP contract. <br /> power and responsibilities among the 891.100 Purpose and policy. 891.565 Term of HAP contract. <br /> various levels of government.As a 891.105 Definitions. 891.570 Maximum annual commitment and <br /> result,the rule is not subject to review 891.110 Allocation of authority. project account. <br /> under the Order. 891.115 Notice of funding availability. 891.575 leasing to eligible families. <br /> 891.120 Project design and cost standards. 891.580 HAP contract administration. <br /> List of Subjects 891.125 Site and neighborhood standards. 891.585 Default by Borrower. <br /> 891.130 Prohibited relationships. 891.590 Notice upon HAP contract <br /> 24 CFR Part 885 891.135 Amount and terms of capital expiration. <br /> Aged,Individuals with disabilities, advances. 891.595 HAP contract extension or renewal. <br /> Loan programs-housing and 891.140 Development cost limits. 891.600 Responsibilities of Borrower. <br /> community Low and 891.145 Owner deposit(Minimum Capital 891.605 Replacement reserve. <br /> �' Investment). 891.610 Selection and admission of tenants. <br /> moderate income honking.Reporting 891.150 Operating cost standards. 891.615 Obligations of the family. <br /> and recordkeeping requirements. 891.155 Other Federal requirements. 891.620 Overcrowded and underoccupied <br /> 24 CFR Part 889 891.160 Audit requirements. units. <br /> 891.165 Duration of capital advance. 891.625 Lease requirements. <br /> Aged,Capital advance programs, 891.170 Repayment of capital advance. 891.630 Termination of tenancy and <br /> Grant programs-housing and 891.175 Technical assistance. modification of lease. <br />