Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> The Board approved a resolution in support of the IOG that encourages the 1997 North Carolina <br /> General Assembly to appropriate $16.1 million to fund urgently needed capital renovation and expansion as <br /> stated below: <br /> INSERT <br /> J. AMENDED RESOLUTION ENDORSING A_STATEWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL ASSISTANCE <br /> PROGRAM FOR LOW INCOME ELDERLY AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES <br /> The County Commissioners approved an amended resolution as stated below: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> AMENDED RESOLUTION ENDORSING <br /> A STATEWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM <br /> FOR LOW INCOME ELDERLY AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES <br /> WHEREAS, low income older adults comprise approximately one-fourth of the North Carolina elderly <br /> population; and <br /> WHEREAS, there is nearly 300,000 North Carolinians, many elderly, as well as persons with disabilities, <br /> designated as"poor" and receive no assistance with the purchase of prescription medications; <br /> WHEREAS, nationally,North Carolina has the ninth highest poverty rate for people age 65 and older; and <br /> WHEREAS, Medicare, available to all citizens over 65 and persons with disabilities,provides no assistance <br /> for the purchase of retail medications; and <br /> WHEREAS, older adults represent 12%of the U.S. population,but consume 34% of all prescription drugs; <br /> and by the year 2000, older adults are estimated to consume close to 50% of all prescribed drugs; and <br /> WHEREAS, a high percentage of elderly hospital admissions are due to medication misuse; and <br /> WHEREAS, in recent years,prescription drug prices have risen at a rate three to five times that of inflation, <br /> making it difficult for low-income elderly to follow the doctor's orders; and <br /> WHEREAS, low income older adults and persons with disabilities who do not qualify for Medicaid can not <br /> get assistance with the purchase of prescription drugs in North Carolina like ten other states. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby <br /> endorse the need for a statewide pharmaceutical assistance program for senior adults age 60+,and persons with <br /> disabilities,who fall within a defined income/expense range and who do not qualify for Medicaid; and <br /> FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners advise the Governor and <br /> state legislators of the need to establish a Statewide Pharmaceutical Assistance Program. <br /> VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br /> A. APPOINTMENTS <br /> A motion was made by Chair Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the <br /> appointments as listed below: <br /> Workplace Development Board - Rose Bolick for an unexpired term ending 6/30/98 <br /> CH/OC Visitor's Bureau - Remus Smith representing the Town of Hillsborough for a term <br /> ending 12/31/98 <br /> Shaping O/C Future James Foust as a County appointee <br /> Cable TV Advisory Committee - E. L. Clark for an unexpired term ending 12/31/98 <br /> C. BUDGET AMENDMENT#6 <br /> One correction was made to the budget amendment for the Southern Village Elementary School <br /> changing the language in Section 4 from Elementary School #8 to Southern Village Elementary School. <br />