Orange County NC Website
management and administrative functions associated with the acceptance of a temporary or permanent <br /> conservation easement. In 1996, the District's Board of Supervisors voted to accept responsibility for <br /> conservation easements like that developed for the Nutter Farm. On a similar note, the Planning Director <br /> is also currently working on an initiative which would provide for the creation of a County Land Trust. <br /> The purpose of the County's trust would be to take on the various management, administrative and legal <br /> responsibilities associated with the public ownership of open space and conservation easements that could <br /> be generated by the County's flexible development and open space options for major subdivisions. Over <br /> the last several years, a number of USDA programs have been deleted, created, or undergone significant <br /> revision. It is very difficult to predict the long term impact of USDA sponsored programs on the open <br /> space/conservation easement situation in Orange County. <br /> The information provided above is by no means exhaustive. Activities of the Triangle Land Conservancy, <br /> the University of North Carolina and Duke University have had or could have a significant impact on <br /> open space within the County. Potential modifications to the County's existing subdivision and zoning <br /> ordinances, processes and standards related to flexible development and provision of open space may also <br /> significantly increase the impact of those instruments on the quantity and quality of open space. <br /> If I may provide additional information, please advise. <br />