Orange County NC Website
POINTS OF INTEREST <br /> BAILJ4ENT (85� pen ca4e) <br /> Pays conttactoAz 6c,% .6tcAiAg and deZivv. ing Ziquo,% to Zocat <br /> ABC BoaAd.6. <br /> BAILMENT SURCHARGE (b 0W pex cad e) : <br /> Pay.6 6o,% the annuaZ opeAating budget o6 the State ABC Commizzion. <br /> EXCISE TAX (11.11) : <br /> Local ABC Board pays on a $8.50 bottZe o6 ZiquoA. <br /> BEER S WINE PERMITS: <br /> Are izzued Sox Zi6e and are not requited to be renewed every <br /> yeax, a4 ABC peAmit-z are. (Mown-Bagging, Spez_iax. Occ".6ion, Mixed <br /> BeveAage) . <br /> 18% <br /> Retained 6,%om the 28% Excize Tax , wou.Zd be tAan,66vcAed in the <br /> p&eviouz 6oAmuta into the Zo=Z board marsh-up aZong with the $25, 000. 00 <br /> that i.6 retained 6,tom the State ABC Commi4.6ion Budget. The pr ice on <br /> a bottZe o6 .liquor would not change. <br /> 140 STATE EXCISE INCREASE ON BEER S WINE SINCE 1969. <br /> Loc,at ABC BoaAdA have comptetety 6unded the State Commis.6ion ( 1.8 m annum) <br /> Budget Aince 1982. WfLiZe 85t o6 the State CommZ4.4_1_'on ,6 wo)LkZoad iA in the <br /> aAeaA o6 been and wine. <br /> The pwtpoze jo)L the eAtabtizhment: o6 the tocat option ABC System <br /> in L935 wad to provide a source o6 revenue Son ZocaZ government. <br />