Orange County NC Website
i <br /> 40 <br /> Municipal Utilities Concealed weapons laws <br /> Q The League will support reasonable proposals to <br /> No faxes on enterprise operations to fund state I strengthen the laws regulating the possession of handguns. The League will oppose legislation <br /> agencies relaxing training standards and other requirements as <br /> Q The League will oppose the imposition of state provided under the concealed weapons law. The <br /> taxes or fees on municipal public enterprise operations League will support legislation clarifying restrictions <br /> to fund state agency operations. on the possession of concealed weapons and preserving <br /> the rights of municipalities, entities and other persons to <br /> prohibit weapons on properties owned or occupied by <br /> them. <br /> Telecommunications <br /> Municipal telecommunications authority <br /> .Alcoholic Beverages Q The League will oppose legislation which is more <br /> restrictive on municipalities than the Federal <br /> Local inspection of ABC licensed premises Telecommunications Act of 19%. <br /> Q The League will support legislation to permit <br /> inspections of ABC licensed premises by local law Public Transportation <br /> enforcement officers. <br /> Improve public transportation programs <br /> Drugs Improve <br /> The League recognizes that public transportation <br /> and paratransit systems, including regional <br /> Statewide response to drug problem transportation authorities, benefit all areas of the state <br /> Q The League will support legislation to establish by providing a vital link to employment opportunities <br /> and fund a comprehensive statewide response to our and human services programs for all citizens and by <br /> drug problem,with emphasis on drug prevention facilitating the attainment of air quality standards <br /> education and rehabilitation as well as enforcement, without which further economic development cannot <br /> take place. The League will work to cultivate a <br /> partnership among federal,state and local governments <br /> Lary Enforcement in promoting a multimodal transportation system to <br /> serve the interests of citizens in both rural and urban <br /> areas of the state. <br /> Criminal forfeitures <br /> Q The League will oppose legislation providing state <br /> courts exclusive jurisdiction over criminal forfeitures or Operating assistance for public transit and <br /> otherwise interfering with the right of municipalities to human services transportation <br /> retain a share of the proceeds. Q The League will seek the creation of a state <br /> program to'assist public transit and human services <br /> transportation systems with operating costs, to be <br /> financed by a dedicated revenue source, such as a fuel <br /> tax, collected statewide and distributed to both urban <br /> 16 17 <br />