Orange County NC Website
39 <br /> protect wetlands, including the creation of a state recognition of previous reduction efforts by <br /> wetlands restoration, mitigation and preservation municipalities. <br /> program and a wetlands restoration trust fund. <br /> Need comprehensive study of Environmental <br /> Environmental Regulation Policy Act <br /> ❑Given the existence of adequate regulatory and <br /> Technical assistance for environmental permitting programs applicable to local governments, <br /> the League will support a comprehensive study of the <br /> protection N.C. Environmental Policy Act to determine if it can <br /> ❑The League will seek appropriations to provide be eliminated or revised to address local government <br /> technical assistance in the area of environmental concerns. Local government representatives must be <br /> protection. included among the members of the study committee. <br /> Cities and towns involved in development of Solid Waste Management <br /> regulations <br /> ❑The League recognizes that local governments are <br /> partners with the state in the protection of the Reducing source of waste is first priority <br /> environment and will seek to continue to be included ❑The League will support legislation that places <br /> in the initial development of environmental legislation source reduction initiatives as its first priority. <br /> and regulation and will further seek full funding or <br /> adequate revenue sources for implementation. Maintain flexibility in managing solid waste <br /> 0 The League will oppose laws and regulations, <br /> Regulate point and nonpoint sources of pollution (including statewide mandatory solid waste bans) that <br /> ❑The League will support legislation and directly or indirectly affect local governments' flexibility <br /> administrative rules that more effectively regulate to manage solid waste under the hierarchy set by state <br /> non-municipal, particularly non-point, sources of water law, unless there is a demonstrated direct relationship <br /> pollution. to public health and safety, or unless there is adequate <br /> state funding and infrastructure resources to support <br /> Management strategies for nutrient sensitive such bans. <br /> waters <br /> ❑The League will support legislation and Maintain ability to meet waste reduction goals <br /> administrative rules establishing management strategies ❑The League will oppose legislation and regulations <br /> for nutrient sensitive waters, provided that any such that undercut the ability and authority of municipalities <br /> management plan (1) fully recognizes the costs of to meet established goals in the area of solid waste <br /> implementation to local government and includes fair management and their ability to finance facilities and <br /> and adequate funding, (2) is science-based and programs for the effective management of solid waste. <br /> technologically feasible, (3) allows flexibility in <br /> attaining reduction goals using the most cost-effective Allow local government to develop their solid <br /> means, and (4) applies any mandatory controls in a waste management plans <br /> balanced and equitable manner,with nutrient ❑The League will oppose legislation or regulations <br /> reductions by all responsible parties in proportion to limiting ocal government flexibility <br /> their relative contributions to the problem,and with g g ty in the development <br /> of their solid waste management plans. <br /> 14 15 <br />