Orange County NC Website
35 <br /> Retirement provisions that are in the public interest. The League <br /> will not oppose legislation that makes public records <br /> available to the general public at reasonable cost, but <br /> Equitable retirement benefits the League will oppose legislation to diminish the <br /> C1 The League will oppose legislation to provide full proprietary value of records collected in the public <br /> retirement benefits for some classes of employees with a interest. Special consideration should be given to <br /> minimum length of service less than that required of proprietary rights in commercially valuable information, <br /> other employees,or other preferential treatment. The such as geographic information system records. <br /> League will oppose legislation to reduce the minimum Utilities <br /> length of service required for retirement with full Municipal Utilities <br /> benefits. <br /> Reasonable cost-of-living increases Local authority to set rates <br /> Cl The League will support legislation to provide CI The League will oppose legislation that would <br /> reasonable cost-of-living increases for retirees and restrict the authority of municipalities to set fiscal <br /> enhanced levels of benefits if they can be funded from operation policies and determine the appropriate rates, <br /> actuarial gains in the local retirement system. The fees and service areas for municipal enterprises. <br /> League will oppose cost-of-living and benefit level <br /> increases that cannot be funded from available actuarial Municipal Liability <br /> gains unless specifically authorized by a vote of the <br /> membership. <br /> Tort liability <br /> Open Meetings Cl The League will oppose efforts to abolish or <br /> restrict further the governmental immunity of <br /> municipalities from tort liability. <br /> Reasonable open meetings provisions <br /> CI The League supports the principle of openness in General Govemment <br /> government and specifically endorses the concept that <br /> meetings of governmental bodies should generally be <br /> open to the public The League also supports Initiative and referendums <br /> reasonable provisions for closed sessions when such ❑The League will oppose legislation imposing upon <br /> limitations are in the public interest. The League will municipalities statewide initiative and referendum <br /> oppose legislation imposing additional statutory procedures for municipal ordinances, and recall of <br /> requirements on municipal governing bodies. The municipal officials. <br /> same provisions should apply to all elected state, county <br /> and municipal legislative bodies. Terns limits <br /> O The League will oppose a constitutional <br /> Public Records amendment or legislation that imposes term limits on <br /> local elected officials. <br /> Access to public records <br /> CI The League supports the principle that public Representative democracy <br /> records should be available to the public, but the Cl The League supports our existing system of <br /> League also supports reasonable confidentiality representative democracy and will'oppoae efforts to <br /> 6 7 <br />