Orange County NC Website
34 <br /> Local option taxes to meet local needs Municipal Finance <br /> Q Municipalities are in need of new revenue sources to <br /> offset diminished financial assistance from the federal Flexibility in borrowing <br /> government, to meet the tide of expensive state and ❑The Le <br /> federal mandates, and to balance the revenues derived ague will support legislation allowing more <br /> from the property tax. The League will support flexibility in local government borrowing, such as <br /> municipalities that seek local option taxes, such as an special obligation bond financing. <br /> occupancy tax, a local income or payroll tax, a prepared <br /> meals tax, a real estate transfer tax and an admissions Maintain authority for leaselpurchase <br /> tax, the proceeds of which may be used for any public O The League will oppose legislation to restrict the <br /> purpose. The League will oppose legislation to current authority of municipalities to secure <br /> convert any of these local option taxes into state revenue lease/purchase or installment financing. <br /> sources, or to interfere unduly with prior local acts. <br /> Technical changes to facilitate bond sales <br /> Keep local sales taxes separate ❑The League will support technical changes to the <br /> O The League will oppose consolidation of the state Local Government Finance Act to facilitate the sale <br /> and local sales taxes. and issuance of duly authorized bonds. <br /> State lottery Personnel <br /> 0 The League will support a public referendum on a <br /> state lottery provided that a fair and reasonable portion <br /> of the proceeds are earmarked for capital improvement Local authority on employment decisions <br /> needs of municipalities and made available on an ❑The League supports the right of municipal <br /> equitable basis. employers to make basic employment decisions, and <br /> will oppose any law or regulation which, either directly <br /> Surplus property or indirectly, affects municipal employees' salaries, <br /> 0 The League will support legislation to authorize benefits or conditions of work,or which adversely <br /> the governing body to delegate the decision to declare affects the prerogative of each elected municipal <br /> real property or personal property surplus to the governing body to make independent policy and <br /> purchasing agent or manager, authorize the governing <br /> budgetary decisions regarding municipal employees. <br /> body to delegate the authority to the purchasing agent <br /> or the manager to accept the lowest responsible bid Maintain law on collective bargaining <br /> within appropriated funds or reject the bids that exceed 0 The League will oppose efforts to modify the law <br /> the appropriated funds, increase the informal bid limits which prohibits a municipality from recognizing or <br /> for supplies and equipment from the current$20,000 entering into contracts with labor unions or other <br /> to$30,000 and require state contract vendors to sell to employee organizations. The League will oppose <br /> municipalities under the same conditions and price. legislation that tends to strengthen the influence of <br /> public employee labor unions, because that is not in the <br /> Reasonable regulatory fees public interest. <br /> ❑The League will oppose legislation to limit cities' <br /> authority to impose fees reasonably related to the cost of <br /> local regulatory programs- <br /> 4 5 <br />