Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> TO: Mayor and Town Council <br /> FROM: W. Calvin Horton,Town Manager <br /> SUBJECT: Background information on potential legislative requests <br /> DATE: February 28, 1997 <br /> Process and deadlines <br /> Before making decisions on the Council's legislative requests,the Council annually holds <br /> • an initial public forum to receive citizens' suggestions(on January 29 this year)and <br /> • a follow-up public hearing(on February 24 this year)on a list of potential requests. <br /> • a meeting with the legislative delegation(February 28). <br /> The Council has adopted a process and calendar including consideration of adopting a legislative <br /> program on March 3'. <br /> The deadlines for legislators to propose local bills in 1997 are <br /> • March 27 for submittal by a legislator to the legislative drafting office and <br /> • April 3' for introduction of a bill by a legislator. <br /> Potential requests in they 1997 session <br /> The Council on February 24th held a public hearing on the following potential requests: <br /> Gmaal <br /> 1. Support greater flexibility for local governments ("home rule)to enact new revenue sources <br /> and regulations based on the local community's goals and objectives. <br /> Ma=er's comments: The Council has expressed support for the principle of home <br /> rule in past years. <br /> Fiscal <br /> 2. Maintain and if possible increase the State funding to help cover the cost of Town fire <br /> protection to the University and UNC Hospitals and of other local governments' and <br /> volunteer fire departments' fire protection for State property. <br /> 1 <br />