Orange County NC Website
Section I The Charter of the Town of Curboro, being Chapter 476, Session <br /> Laws of 1967,is hereby amended by adding a new section to read: <br /> "Sec. 2-7. Hoard of Aldermen May Call Rwetweada. (a) Subject to the remaining <br /> provisions of this section, the Board of Aldermen may submit to a vote of the electorate <br /> any question relating to the exercise by the board of its discretionary powers. A decision <br /> to submit any question to a refamezdum under this section shall require the affirmative <br /> vote of five members of the governing body. A motion to submit a question to a <br /> referendum shall contain the precise wording of the question to be submitted. <br /> (b) The governing body may not submit to a referendum under this section any <br /> question relating to the following: <br /> (t) Any ordinance making an appropriation of funds or establishing the amount <br /> of any fee or the rate of any tax. However, the governing body may submit a <br /> question as to whether the town should make specified major capital <br /> expenditures or levy specified types of taxes. <br /> (2) Any personnel matter, including without limitation the establishment of <br /> eliminatiou of positions or the salaries or compensation of any town officer, <br /> employee,or independerxt cones. <br /> (3) Any quasi judicial decision of the Board of Aldermen, including with <br /> limitation any conditional use permit <br /> (4) Any decision establishing or changing the zoning district classification <br /> applicable to any property. <br /> (c} The results of a referendums shall not be binding upon the governing, body, or <br /> any member thereof. <br /> (d) A referendum under this section may take place only on the date of a State, <br /> county, or municipal regular or special election hold for some other purpose. A <br /> resolution calling for a referendum shall be delivered to the Orange County Board of <br /> Elections at least 60 days before the date on which the referendum is to take place. <br /> (e) The Oâ–ºaarnge County Board of Elections shall cause legal notice of the election to be <br /> published and :hail make all usangeznents for holding such election in accordance with <br /> general law,grad the same shall be conducted.returned,and the results thereof declared in <br /> all respects as other town elections in the Town of Carrboro. The reasonable costs of <br /> such election shall be reimbuned to the Board of Elections by the town. <br />