Agenda - 02-18-1997 - 9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-18-1997
Agenda - 02-18-1997 - 9c
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6/26/2013 3:47:15 PM
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6/26/2013 3:47:14 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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z <br /> 7 <br /> EDUCATION PORTION OF PLANNING CONFERENCE <br /> L bora&mcdon 8:30- 9:00 (30 minutes) <br /> A. Jay BCww-Welco= Explanation of purpose and structure of meeting.Why we are here,what we'll be <br /> doing in the various sessions, the tut akle. Explain hopes for the conference and set a positive and collaborative tone. <br /> B. Axdy Sack- Explanation of the role of the Dispum Settlement Center.Present the conference objectives <br /> and agenda as the Steering Committee has developed it Ask if everyone understands the objective and agenda and is <br /> willing to work within this framework. (and if not Andy facilitates adoption of a set of objectives and agenda that <br /> all arc willing to work under). <br /> IL Zoning 9:00- 9:45 (45 minutes) <br /> (rrpmentatme foot Carr6om Plaxxing Dept or UNC test of Gmmment) <br /> A. Purpose of zoning <br /> B. Process of zoning(evaluating data,developing ordinancm involving affected parties, property owner <br /> involvement,legal rights/responsibilities) <br /> C How do we zone for particular activities/areas? <br /> M. Presentation of current land use 9:45- 9:55 (10 minutes) <br /> 4rcpnsextatm from Ca»dom PtaxxAg D*t or UNC lust of Gocaxormt) <br /> A. What does the arse look like now <br /> B. Present map and point out was of significance,including environmental and topographical-existing <br /> land use,roads, creeks,watershed, old growth areas,etc. <br /> 1V. People and history,of Comm sadly 9:55- 10:25 (30 minutesi <br /> On presort will prae ut this smk to bxt it sboald be prtpared by a usae of reveal wdividxa4 repreuxtiag dii irest rtgtoxt <br /> losSrumt residtxt4 xaartr w ding larger laxdomt m City of Caerbwq, Rogers Road commxxity, etc <br /> Present history of areas and people in the affected areas <br /> V. Beak a"quisedons 10:25•10:35 (10 minutes) <br /> VI. History of Pla sting in Am 10:35- 11:15 (40 minutes) jnVr,J$e d <br /> Prtsttrtatiox far this wtiox mill ixdx*bavag a npnarretatieW*rtidpwwJiom acrd of tht phtntrixg stages pratxt baubgmtrxd. <br /> itmatmttadatiaxs it dkit Orm W Coxxoy PUnn g Dus or or Coautetiuxw for o VaV of the Joiat Piaxxhg'%Me;w rt and someone <br /> fives the Small Arno Plaxxiag Taint Font or tie Gvmkm PW wmq DOrmrfir o wmp of at Sault Area Pbex. Obit gmxp u&need <br /> I#obtain maps of vW tint am bated Ub dx=S taco of tbcu phtemS pezods. Tku a=prnkbty k obumtd tbmgk tic Carrbom or <br /> omxgc Covrtry Platr>rm Depanattats orArrbiM orprrbaia&Orae=of OMW Coxxty or UNC Wttwx LibraCr HistoeOW <br /> AnhweL <br /> A. Background on why this arcs falls into Carrbom planning jurisdiction-joint Planning Agreement in <br /> Orange County. p+*w cc't <br /> B. Present information from historical and existing plans:Year 2000 plaa:cr sll Area Plan. <br /> C Definition of the various zoning designations.e.g.,what does R-20 zoning mean and what types of land uses <br /> will it allow? <br /> D. zoning through various plans.What does current zoning look like.' <br /> VL Futm+e Gmw*and Devdapeow No&& 11:15- 11:45 (30 minutes) <br /> (rcpreseteta=Eris State Aj gX% UNC Saboot of Ptam)mS Ixsftitr m of Gmmxast or otia itutrpatdm:pony} <br /> A. popula tinn growth trends-what figures are available for residential/commercial growth <br /> B. Typical infrastructure developnwat needs for anticipated growth. e.g., 1000 new residents meatus that <br /> three new schools an needed►XX increase in protection services (fire, police),etc. <br /> C Impact of different typa of development on mfastrucn^ennronmerst, and economy(incl. tax base). <br /> i.e,Farming vs residential vs commercial,high density vs low density <br /> VII- Questiom 11:45-12.00 (15 minutes) <br />
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