Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 4 R,ESOLUTION,4UTHORIZING 7wE.K.LVAGER OF THE TOWN O <br /> L5BOROL'GH TO WOttS A?TS THE.NANAGERS OF THE TOWNS OF C <br /> hT7L - <br /> AND CHAPEL HILL, ,4ND THE ORA1vGE COUNTYMANAGER 7'0 PROCEED 077N <br /> p1tEPARAnom FOR JOINT C4p1TAL PLANNING AND JOLYT OPFA477014 FOR <br /> THE RESPECTIVE P.4RSS AND RECAF-4770N DEPAR71ff-N S <br /> W9ERE4S, in September, 1994, the Orange County assembly of Governments <br /> recommended that the staff's of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and <br /> Orange County make n mmendarions to their respective governing <br /> bodies about opportunities for joint planning for use of capital <br /> improvements for recreadoa and park services, and the representatives of <br /> bout school systems be involved;and <br /> WHEREAS, a work group was formed sad pressed its report to the Assembly of <br /> Governments on Jam:ary 30, 1996; <br /> NOW, 771EREFORE, BE 17 MOLVED that the H sborough Town Board hereby authorizes <br /> the Town Manager to proceed to: <br /> 1. Cooperatively prepare a reconvaended process for joint capital <br /> planning and joint opera ions for parks and recreation services to <br /> the people of Orange County; <br /> 2. jMwdmize joint development and use of&cftes by schools, parks <br /> and local govermnents; <br /> ;. Address whether this approach has potential to reduce long-term <br /> capital and operating coats; <br /> 4. Consider the use of planning and development of district parks for <br /> Orange Co=y; and <br /> 5. Consideration dedicated revenue sources for parks. <br /> 6. Report to the governing boards by September 16, 1996. <br /> This the 10th day of June, 1996. <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> I, Donna F. Ray, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of <br /> a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Hillsborough, <br /> NC, at the meeting held June 10, 1996 at 7:30 PM at the Town Barn in the Town of <br /> Hillsborough. - <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the offigial <br /> corporate meal of Raid Town to be affixed. this the 1 h day of June, 1996. <br /> J <br /> Donna F. Ray, Clerk <br /> Town of Hillsborough <br /> I <br />