Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MANAGER OF THE TOWN OF CHMEL <br /> I IILI. TO NVORK WIT]I THE MANAGERS OF THE TOWNS OF CARRBORO AND <br /> HILLSBOROUGH,ILISBOR000I1, AND THE ORANGE COUNTY MANAGER TO PROCEED WI CH <br /> I'ItF l'ARA'I'IONS FOR JOINT CAPITAL PLANNING AND JOINT OPERATIONS FOR <br /> THE RESPECTIVE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTS (96-5-29/R-17) <br /> WHEREAS, in September, 1994, the Orange County Assembly of Governments <br /> rccommeudcd that the staffs of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and Orange County <br /> make recouuneudations to their respective governing bodies about opportunities for joint <br /> planning for use of capital improvements for recreation and park services, and that <br /> rcptescutatives of both school systems be involved; and <br /> WHEREAS, a work group was formed and presented its report to the Assembly of <br /> Governmcnts mn January 30, 1996; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that <br /> the Council hereby authorizes the Town Manager to proceed to: <br /> 1. Cooperatively prepare a recommended process for joint capital planning and joint <br /> operations for parks and recreation services to the people of Orange County; <br /> Z. Maximize joint development and use of facilities by schools, parks and local <br /> governtnents; <br /> 3. Address whether this approach hits potential to reduce long-term capital and <br /> operating costs; <br /> 4. Consider the value of planning and developing district parks for Orange County; <br /> 5. Consider dedicated revenue sources for parks; and <br /> 6. Report to the governing boards by September 16, 1996. <br /> This the 29th day of May, 1996. <br />