Orange County NC Website
..»oo„ter iuwv yr '.MmRD W % <br /> 1 5 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CHAPEL HILL—CARRBORO CITY <br /> BOARD OF EDUCATION <br /> A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF JOINT USE. SITE LOCAtION. AND <br /> ir4ANAGEMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS FACILITIES BETWEEN THE TOWNS OF CHAPEL'HILL AND <br /> CARRBORO AND ORANGE COUNTY. <br /> WHEREAS the Orange County Assembly of Governments recommended that the staffs of i Carrboro. <br /> Chapel Hill. Hillsborough and Orange County make recommendations to their Irespeclive <br /> governing bodies about opportunities for joint planning for use of capital improvements <br /> for recreation and park services, and that representatives of both school systems be <br /> involved; and <br /> WHEREAS. a work group was formed and presented its report to the Assembly of Governments <br /> on January 30, 1996; and <br /> WHEREAS the Board of Education believes education of children requires adequate facilities for <br /> physical education and for team and individual jports; and <br /> WHEREAS the Board of Education knows the cost of sbt,h.facilities is great; and <br /> WHEREAS the Board of Education agrees with the coDc,p` t' as shafted In the report df the work <br /> group. that the various Rieereation and Parks [)Og inenta and the School Systdm working <br /> together could provide more facilities for botff.entities; and <br /> NOW. THEREFORE. the Board of Education resolves to give its supbort to that conceol. <br /> . i . <br /> 1 i 3� (.► fi! <br /> f <br /> • i <br /> i <br />