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4 <br /> which are applicable only to the Stoney Creek Basin Small Overlay District, pertain to <br /> open space calculations, the number and location of bonus units, and the applicability of <br /> the village option. <br /> 3. Amend ARTICLE 4.3 PERMITTED USE TABLE to allow a golf course as a Class A <br /> Special Use instead of a permitted use in residential zoning districts, and to prohibit golf <br /> courses in commercial and industrial zoning districts. <br /> 4. Delete ARTICLE 6.16.10 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN <br /> PERMITTED USES - RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (PROFIT/NON-PROFIT): GOLF <br /> CLUB AND GOLF COUNTRYCLUB. <br /> 5. Amend ARTICLE 6.23 WATERSHED PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICTS to <br /> prohibit new golf courses in watershed critical areas, and(outside of critical areas)to allow <br /> the cutting of trees in stream buffers where trees will block the line of play . <br /> 6. Amend ARTICLE 22 DEFINITIONS - GOLF COURSE to eliminate minimum acreage <br /> requirements. <br /> 7. Add ARTICLE 8.8.7 SPECIAL USES (GOLF COURSES) to include standards for <br /> components of and activities associated with golf courses such as: access, circulation and <br /> parking; landscaping and buffers; maintenance and storage areas; habitat preservation: <br /> construction; stormwater management; maintenance; and pollutant monitoring. <br /> 8. Add ARTICLE 8.7.4 RE-APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMITS SUBJECT TO <br /> TIME LIMITS to allow Special Use Permits granted for a specified period of time to be re- <br /> approved by the Board of Adjustment or Board of Commissioners after receiving a report <br /> from the Planning Department that the Special Use has maintained compliance with <br /> provisions of the Special Use Permit. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ATLAS AMENDMIENTS <br /> 1. Z-1-97 Carden's Body and Paint Service <br /> The property is located on the east side of NC 157 between Wagner Road and Blalock <br /> Road. The rezoning involves two contiguous parcels: Tax Map Number 1.10..1 C, <br /> containing 2.02 acres owned by Charlie and Jeroline Mangum; and 1.10..1 G, containing <br /> 10.97 acres owned by William H. Carden,Jr. The purpose of the rezoning is to correct an <br /> error made in the initial zoning of Little River Township on January, 1994. The Mangum <br /> property (1.10..1C) was thought to contain an existing business (Cardens Body and Paint <br /> Service)and was zoned EC-5 (Existing Commercial). The actual location of the business is <br /> immediately north of the Mangum property, on parcel 1.10..1 G. The proposed rezoning <br /> includes: rezoning the Mangum property from EC to AR (Agricultural Residential); and <br /> rezoning 3.0 acres of the Carden property from AR to EC-5 to accommodate the existing <br /> commercial building,parking areas,well and septic system. <br />