Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> expanded contract services: <br /> • Service to the Orange County Middle School Afterschool <br /> program on Monday through Thursday of each week, <br /> • Operating a second route for Orange Enterprises on Monday <br /> through Friday of each week <br /> • Operating a fourth route for the northern Orange Head Start <br /> program on Monday through Friday, and <br /> • Staff to cover growth in the demand medical transportation <br /> program by about a 33 percent increase in trips per month; <br /> that is, from an average of 460 trips per month to 610 trips or <br /> an additional 150 trips per month. <br /> In this same period OPT lost the staff services of four part time <br /> staff employed through the National Center for the Black Aged, <br /> Inc. because of cutbacks by that agency. These workers helped <br /> staff the daily permanent Senior Center routes throughout rural <br /> Orange County. <br /> Currently Orange Public Transportation has nine permanent <br /> driver positions. Of these, five are part time: one at 32 hours, <br /> one at 34 hours, one at 37 hours and two at 38 hours. <br /> Initially to cover the workload from the additional and on-going <br /> contract obligations, OPT had expanded its use of temporary <br /> staff. However, since these are on-going obligations, the use of <br /> temporary staff has not met the staffing needs. This arises from <br /> several circumstances. Under the Personnel Ordinance, <br /> temporary employment beyond one year is limited to 15 hours or <br /> less. These on-going commitments require more hours than <br /> this. Moreover, temporary employment does not enable OPT to <br /> recruit and retain on an on-going basis the trained drivers <br /> needed. <br /> In response to the staffing needs and issues, the Budget <br /> Director and the Personnel Director have completed with the <br /> Department on Aging Director and OPT staff a comprehensive <br /> assessment of OPT permanent positions and staffing. This has <br /> included analysis of the routes, scheduling, demands and <br /> workloads. As a result of this review, several staffing <br /> realignment needs have been identified as follows: <br />