Orange County NC Website
A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT <br /> WHEREAS, The Greater Chapel Hill Fire District consists of all properties <br /> on Winter Drive and Meadow Lane that are not in the Town <br /> limits of Chapel Hill; and <br /> WHEREAS, There is a need for fire protection to be provided in The Greater <br /> Chapel Hill Fire District; and <br /> WHEREAS, The Town of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Fire Department have <br /> provided fire protection over the past twenty years and desire <br /> to continue doing so; and <br /> WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners must, for fire insurance <br /> rating purposes,establish a fire district and authorize fire <br /> protection to be provided; and <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners <br /> hereby approve the boundary of The Greater Chapel Hill Fire District as beginning at a <br /> point at the intersection of Winter Drive and U.S. 15-501 (Fordham Boulevard);thence <br /> eastwardly along the Town limits of Chapel Hill and the bounds of The Greater Chapel <br /> Hill Fire District, approximately 306' (three hundred six feet)to a point;thence southerly <br /> along the Town limits of Chapel Hill and the bounds of The Greater Chapel Hill Fire <br /> District,to a point in the center of Morgan Creek;thence in a northwesterly direction,up <br /> Morgan Creek,to a point; thence northerly along the Town limits of Chapel Hill and the <br /> bounds of The Greater Chapel Hill Fire District,to a point in U.S. 15-501;thence <br /> eastwardly along U.S. 15-501 and the Town limits of Chapel Hill to a point at the <br /> intersection of Winter Drive and U.S. 15-501 (Fordham.Boulevard,the point of <br /> beginning. The description includes all the properties bordering Winter Drive and <br /> Meadow Lane as identified in Chapel Hill Township,Tax Map 126,Block D,Lots I <br /> through 7, and includes all the land within the described bounds, not in the corporate <br /> limits of the Town of Chapel Hill. <br /> Adopted this the 3rd of February, 1997 <br /> Bill Crowther, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />