Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> r <br /> association with the Trading Path and its scenic qualities as a gateway to Orange <br /> County. Citizens also acknowledged that suburban sprawl threatens the cultural and <br /> historical significance of the area. The Historic Preservation Commission advocates <br /> measures to protect the integrity of St. Mary's Road as a preservation resource. <br /> Durham County is also interested in the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path. The Durham <br /> County Historic Preservation Commission has approved the concept of a St. Mary's <br /> Road/Indian Path Historic Corridor. They are currently updating their historic <br /> resources inventory and will include their portion of St. Mary's Road in the <br /> reassessment. They Hardscrabble Plantation (circa 1775), located on the Durham <br /> County side of St. Mary's Road, is a County Historic Landmark. In addition, Durham <br /> County has requested the NC Department of Transportation to designate a Durham <br /> Scenic Byway, which will begin at St. Mary's Road and South Lowell Road in <br /> northwestern Durham County. <br /> According to Orange County's historical architecture survey, fifteen historic inventory <br /> sites are located along the road, including three National Register sites and three <br /> National Register-eligible sites. The Historic Preservation Commission believes the St. <br /> Mary's Road/Trading Path Corridor contains suitable contributing characteristics to <br /> qualify as a rural historic district. The corridor exhibits elements of a historic cultural <br /> landscape that has evolved through use by the people whose activities and occupancy <br /> have modified the physical environment. The corridor possesses a significant <br /> concentration, linkage, and continuity of land uses, buildings and structures, roads, and <br /> natural features that would qualify it as a National Register Rural Historic District. <br /> Grant funds would be used to develop a National Register nomination for the St. <br /> Mary's Road/Trading Path Historic Corridor. Funds would be used to hire a consultant <br /> to conduct survey work aimed at developing a thorough historic context of the rural <br /> landscape of the corridor. The scope of work would include: determination of historic <br /> area boundaries and evaluation of the landscape elements; expanded surveys on historic <br /> structures and archeological sites; evaluation of significance and historic integrity of the <br /> landscape and built environment; application of the National Register criteria, and <br /> preparation of the National Register Multiple Listing forms. The work would also include <br /> the required photography for the nomination forms and preparation of a color slide <br /> presentation. <br /> Listing in the National Register of Historic Places is an honorary designation which <br /> recognizes the importance of a site to the Nation's heritage. National Register designation <br /> imposes no restrictions on property owners; however, it does offer a degree of protection <br /> by ensuring a review of federally-funded projects to determine if they pose adverse <br /> impacts to National Register sites. This requirement is described in Section 106 of the <br /> National Historic Preservation Act. Similarly, North Carolina law (General Statutes Sec. <br /> 121-12a) provides for consideration of National Register sites in state-funded or state- <br /> licensed projects. (The attached National Register Fact Sheets provide additional <br /> information on the National Register.) <br /> RECONEM ENDATION: The Administration recommends that the County Manager be authorized to apply for up to <br /> $18,000 from the Historic Preservation Fund Grant Program. If the grant proposal is <br /> accepted by the State Historic Preservation Office, the Planning Department will request <br /> $8,000 in the FY1997-98 Budget as a cash match. The grant and matching funds would <br /> be used to complete a National Register nomination for the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path <br /> Historic Corridor. <br />