Orange County NC Website
Proposed Memorandum of Agreement Between Orange <br /> County and the Orange County Dispute Settlement Center <br /> (DSC) <br /> 1. DSC will provide facilitation services to the Capital Needs <br /> Advisory Committee from January 15, 1997 through April 15, <br /> 1.997. <br /> 2. During Committee meetings and in planning for Committee <br /> meetings, DSC will assist the Chair of the Committee, the County <br /> Finance Director and Committee members to ensure that <br /> Committee discussions and decision making are collaborative, <br /> well-focused, supported by appropriate and clearly understood <br /> procedures, and inclusive of all Committee members. As a third- <br /> party neutral, DSC will not provide its opinions or any substantive <br /> expertise on the topics under discussion. The County will provide <br /> DSC with all relevant information necessary for DSC to fulfill its <br /> role. <br /> 3. The County will provide for all project logistics and <br /> materials, including adequate meeting facilities, flip chart paper, <br /> masking tape, magic markers, refreshments, name tags, <br /> photocopying, and notices to participants. <br /> 4. In consideration for DSCs services described herein, the <br /> County will pay DSC $70 per hour per person for time spent by <br /> DSC on all activities necessary for this project, including overall <br /> project planning and the planning, preparation, facilitation and <br /> follow-up for meetings conducted as part of this project. The <br /> County and DSC estimate that DSC will spend no more than 100 <br /> hours on this project and that the personnel costs for Committee <br /> facilitation will be no greater than $7,000. <br />